Who actually went to work today | GTAMotorcycle.com

Who actually went to work today

What, no A/C at your work?

I'm chillin' like an ice-cube in my office. :cool:
We have AC, but it's summer, and when I'm out in the shop I wanna feel summer, so the doors are all open.

And when I get home from work, I'm gonna hop on one of my road bikes and climb the escarpment a few times for S&Gs.
The homeless are being told to go to cooling shelters. Workers are being told to go to work to pay for the shelters.
work pays the bills, work is climate controlled. I do need to go out for a site visit, so there will be a nice afternoon run in the sun
I have an a/c cooled office, cold drinks and I can sit on a patio for lunch. I don't foresee a problem with this. That being said, I did ride to work :p
I work out side it isn't too bad. It's the worst when u come from an ac office then outside. I'd rather stay outside all day then be in and out.
Just ran 12 k. I advise against it lol
Most people coming in today stank like crazy. Heat is making them sweat and I don't think a lot of people wear deodorant.
Working from home today. Had a swim at lunch time and dried off lazing in the sunshine. I know it's hot boys and girls, but you all know what's gonna hapen in 6 months don't you?
I work from home, going for a swim brb.

I'll bet you had to pay for that pool.
My neighbour works until 5, i just sneak over there and take a dip. :D

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