Terms and rules

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("GTAMotorcycle.com") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts. Content submitted express the views of their author only.

Although the administrators and moderators of GTAMotorcycle.com will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of GTAMotorcycle.com will be held responsible for the content of any message. The owners of GTAMotorcycle.com reserve the right to remove, ban, and/or delete any user for any any reason. As well as remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.

By registering at the GTAMotorcycle.com community, you agree to the following terms

PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN without first contacting us. GTAMotorcycle.com is not a place for you to solicit sales of any kind. No member is allowed to refer to their own business, or any business to which he/she is associated, through the discussion forum or personal messaging system (PM). The only exception is that each member is allowed a simple link in regular - non edited font (http://somesite.com) in their signature. The link shall include no description of any kind and we will edit out any descriptions. Those interested in advertising please contact us at accounts@gtamotorcycle.com

KEEP IT CLEAN You may not post libelous or defamatory messages or materials, or include links to such materials in your postings. You may not post messages that are obscene, violent, abusive or designed to harass or intimidate another individual. Pornography, Warez, or any other illegal transactions may not be posted or included in members profiles. No blatant nudity. Swearing is not permitted. There is a filter in place to change any swearing that may be inadvertently used, however if you purposely attempt to go around the filter, you will receive an infraction.

BE CIVILIZED Don't use racial, ethnic, or gender slurs, religiously derogatory comments or any other personal discriminations even in jest. Use of slurs needlessly offends people - whether or not they're a member of the group you've insulted. Respect others' religious beliefs and culture. Recognize that others have religious and personal beliefs which may differ from yours. Stay away from political debates. Keep the language and behavior appropriate. If you feel someone has insulted you, report the post. If you respond with an insult, you will also receive an infraction. Two wrongs don't make a right. If the offending post is not reported it may get missed by our moderators and we will not be responsible. Report the post!

USE DESCRIPTIVE THREAD TITLES When you post a new thread, please give users some idea of what it contains in the title. Thread titles like "Help" or "Check this out!" are cheap ways of getting users to look at a thread they might not care about, and would not have clicked on had the full title "Help, I need credit card numbers!" been used. Furthermore, it helps stop multiple threads on the same subject. When starting a new thread, describe the content of your thread clearly in the 'Subject' line of your post. Don't use vague subjects. Use descriptive and specific subject lines. This helps others decide whether your particular words of wisdom relate to a topic they care about. For example: "HELP!!" is not an appropriate subject and neither is "My bike doesn't run".

PLEASE DON’T SHOUT! That cap lock key wasn’t invented to help you get your message across. Messages written in all caps are annoying, hard to read, and loud.

HAS IT BEEN POSTED ALREADY? Please look for an existing thread on a subject before you post one about it. Chances are good that your question has already been answered. There is a search feature on these forums, use it. Starting topics that have already been answered in great detail is a waste of everyone’s time. Look to see if information you're about to post has just been posted by someone else. Then go ahead and post.

DON'T CROSS-POST Cross-posting is when you post the same message multiple times in various threads or forums. We only need to see it once guys.

STAY ON TOPIC Keep threads on topic. If you've got something completely unrelated to say then start a new thread.

CONSIDER THE IMPACT OF YOUR WORDS BEFORE POSTING Adhere to the same high standards (or higher) of behaviour online that you follow in real life. In real life, most people are fairly polite and law abiding. The same rules of behaviour are expected.

MESSAGES SHOULD CONTRIBUTE TO THE TOPIC BEING DISCUSSED or introduce a relevant idea. If you've read enough threads, you've already learned how annoying it is to go through "Me Too" posts. A "Me Too" is a post that says "I agree with what the other guy said" and otherwise does not add to the content. If you have a comment about someone else's post, tell them via PM or email. Generally speaking, unless it concerns the entire group and is within the group's stated purpose, you should reply only to the author. Avoid replies or responses to the whole list of yes, no, or "I agree!". This is meaningless and you too would be annoyed to open such a message.

WELCOME TO GTAMotorcycle.com If you are a new member, introduce yourself by posting to the Introduce Yourself Forum. While it's nice to welcome a new member, only do so if they have posted in the New Members forum. There is no need for 50 welcome posts in a technical forum thread.

PRIVATE MESSAGE IS A WONDERFUL FEATURE Please don't start a topic that is directed at one person that could be put into a PM to them. If you have a message for one or two posters, use PM or email. Private messages are to be kept private. That's why they are called PRIVATE messages. Any private message posted without consent of BOTH parties will result in an infraction.

PICTURE PERFECT Images and attachments may be posted as long as they are not sexually explicit or offensive.

FLAME-WARS Don’t even start them, they will be ended, quickly, and you’ll find yourself on the short bus. Flaming: Personal attacks in cyberspace can be particularly vicious. Flaming is the rather nasty art of attacking others on a personal level.

Abusing Moderators and/or Admins Any abuse, either by PM or on the public forum of ANY Moderator or Admin results in a permanent ban WITHOUT WARNING and WITHOUT EXCEPTION! These people help to keep this board civil for everyone to use. Please respect that!

GTAMotorcycle.com is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this service. If you register for GTAMotorcycle.com, you represent that you are this age or older.

All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to GTAMotorcycle.com ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.

You agree to not use GTAMotorcycle.com to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.

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These terms may be changed at any time without notice.

If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use GTAMotorcycle.com. Use of GTAMotorcycle.com constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.

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