Buddy just crash doing wheelies in parking lot Hwy 10 and 403 North west building | GTAMotorcycle.com

Buddy just crash doing wheelies in parking lot Hwy 10 and 403 North west building


Active member
Just heard from my buddy that a guy just crashed his bike doing wheelies in the parking lot in his building.

Hope buddy walks away from this however stupid place to be working on your wheelies.

Not the best picture however whole front wheel smash right off the forks.

At least it wasn't in the public roads, I think parking lots are a great place to practice. Where else would you practice wheelies?
Damnn, he really messed that up. Also I'd say a parking lot is the best spot to practice wheelies provided it's away from busy streets.
As long as they clean up the mess well.
Eat, Sleep, Stunt
Says all of our insurance rates. I don't like to subsidize stupid.

Use your computer-thingy and Google "Indian Larry", a famous bike chopper that liked to do stunts. See how he died.

Oh shut up with the insurance thing, most stunters I know don't even carry insurance for their stunt bikes. And go read through the Fallen Riders section, how many of the riders we've lost over the last season(s) were killed stunting or doing dumb ****? How many were killed just cruising along?

Indian Larry wasn't wearing a helmet...and your point is?
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Buddy just crash doing wheelies in parking lot Hwy 10 and 403 North west buildi

I was going to edit. Macs has a point. Most stunt riders don't insure their bikes which is fine but this can also lead to problems if they don't pick a good place to ride it. I wonder if you'll ever see a stunt park like where you would go to do bmx or that type of thing?

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up

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