These Conservatives | Page 15 |

These Conservatives

Hell, you could expand that to include indigenous leaders and your list would still be incredibly hard to populate (assuming you mean improving the lives of the average person not those in golden thrones).

The chief is elected (politician). Always has the nicest house. And truck. And sled.
My greatest fear is the radicalization of White Anglo Saxon Protestants due to housing, food and energy issues.

Are you sure it's not because PP comes across as petulant suck that only answers questions with more questions and tends to be rude to those asking the question??

Those Evil Conservatives are at it again according to the CBC:
Interestingly they picked a year when the Liberals held their convention in Ottawa - no travel necessary - but failed to note how Liberals behave when their convention is out of town.
Been down this road before. He knew EXACTYLY what the journalist meant but didn't like the question so he treats the guy like dick. Who's the real dick in that video? (Hint he's eating an apple)
100% no.

This journalist basically asked him "are you still beating your wife?"

Why would you answer that question, even if you were? It's asinine and clearly no matter what you say, you'll be quoted badly.
Laura wants her knife back, Skippy.


Which politician/party has made anything easier for our indigenous people? I'll wait. Take Skippy for example. He promised them potable water. 8 years and 100+ reservation visit selfies later.......crickets.
Maybe more idiot than racist , but sure possibly both.
The potable water thing is an utter disgrace. 1000% with you there!
Interestingly they picked a year when the Liberals held their convention in Ottawa - no travel necessary - but failed to note how Liberals behave when their convention is out of town.
I can agree they are all crooks
Maybe more idiot than racist , but sure possibly both.
The potable water thing is an utter disgrace. 1000% with you there!
He has done blackface twice or 3 times that there is photographic evidence for, how many more times when cameras weren't around, wears other cultures traditional dress as costumes. The guy is either a full blown racist or a complete imbecile, either way, not someone that should be leading a country.
He has done blackface twice or 3 times that there is photographic evidence for, how many more times when cameras weren't around, wears other cultures traditional dress as costumes. The guy is either a full blown racist or a complete imbecile, either way, not someone that should be leading a country.
I'd go with imbecile as it covers more territory and is therefore more carbon neutral. He is the embodiment of "The flogging will continue until moral improves."

"Mommy, Canada is different. Here, spitting on others is a sign of love and respect. All my efforts are starting to show and they are loving and respecting me more every day. I'll continue to do more in return to show my love and respect for them."

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