The Co-operators -- NEW -- Quote & Buy Insurance Online :-) SS Friendly! |

The Co-operators -- NEW -- Quote & Buy Insurance Online :-) SS Friendly!


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Hi everyone! The Co-operators just launched a new site where you can not only quote your bike insurance online, but you can even buy it online!

The Co-operators Motorcycle Insurance -- Quote & Buy Insurance Online

It's a really quick/easy/smooth quoting process that only takes a minute or two, and the rates seem competitive. They write SS bikes for riders with some riding experience (which is sometimes hard to find), and you don't have to bring your car or home insruance if you don't want to (but you can get a discount if you do). If you have a chance to try it out, how did you like the quoting process and how do their rates compare for you?

Happy riding! :)
Hi everyone! The Co-operators just launched a new site where you can not only quote your bike insurance online, but you can even buy it online!

The Co-operators Motorcycle Insurance -- Quote & Buy Insurance Online

It's a really quick/easy/smooth quoting process that only takes a minute or two, and the rates seem competitive. They write SS bikes for riders with some riding experience (which is sometimes hard to find), and you don't have to bring your car or home insruance if you don't want to (but you can get a discount if you do). If you have a chance to try it out, how did you like the quoting process and how do their rates compare for you?

Happy riding! :)
Welcome back. An accurate online quote system is a welcome development.
Welcome back. An accurate online quote system is a welcome development.
Thanks! I still lurk from time to time, but haven't had time to post and answer insurance questions for a very long time :( And yeah, more options are great for people shopping, and since The Co-operators allows you to buy insurance directly online, it means the quotes are very accurate :)
Hi everyone! The Co-operators just launched a new site where you can not only quote your bike insurance online, but you can even buy it online!

The Co-operators Motorcycle Insurance -- Quote & Buy Insurance Online

It's a really quick/easy/smooth quoting process that only takes a minute or two, and the rates seem competitive. They write SS bikes for riders with some riding experience (which is sometimes hard to find), and you don't have to bring your car or home insruance if you don't want to (but you can get a discount if you do). If you have a chance to try it out, how did you like the quoting process and how do their rates compare for you?

Happy riding! :)
Will have to check it out I was with them for years until td came in at 1/2 price.

Sent from the future
I tried the quoting system a few weeks ago and it was easy to use.
Price came in very close to my current TD policy.
I just received a quote and it’s the same as what I have now right to the dollar amount. Odd
Welcome back. An accurate online quote system is a welcome development.

What was wrong with TD? I got exactly the price I was quoted online when I called in to purchase, but that was a few years ago. I still use their site to compare rates on different bikes to see if any are ridiculously expensive (or cheap).
Not a good start for the quote on my SXV:

Give us a call​

It looks like you have some specific insurance needs. Let’s talk about them, so we can recommend the right coverage for you.

Weird! What year is your SXV? Is there anything special about your risk profile (i.e. convictions, claims, newly-licensed rider in the house, etc.)? I just tried quoting myself on a 2006 SXV and it provided a quote for me.
Nope, that didn't help. By the way, I don't know how much input you have into this tool, but it would be REALLY nice not to have to type in all of my information every single time there's a failure, or even if I want to change the vehicle to compare.
Will have to check it out I was with them for years until td came in at 1/2 price.

They've overhauled their motorcycle rates recently, so hopefully it's better than it was before :) No single company will provide the best rate for every rider on every bike, since every company has it's own unique rates and algorithms to try and match the premium to the risk as best as possible. But it's always worth a shot to see if the premium's competitive for you!

I tried the quoting system a few weeks ago and it was easy to use.
Price came in very close to my current TD policy.

I find it quite easy to use too -- I think I can run a quote in under 60 seconds haha!

I just received a quote and it’s the same as what I have now right to the dollar amount [withi Riders Plus]. Odd

That just happens to be a fluke, since Riders Plus is a brokerage selling Echelon policies, but Echelon and Co-operators are competing insurance companies. You might want to check that the coverages are the same though (for example, you might be quoting wiht $2 million liability coverage with Co-operators, but $1M with Riders Plus).

What was wrong with TD? I got exactly the price I was quoted online when I called in to purchase, but that was a few years ago. I still use their site to compare rates on different bikes to see if any are ridiculously expensive (or cheap).

I think GreyGhost just meant that there are few accurate online quoting tools for bikes in general. And Co-operators takes it a step further by allowing you to even buy the policy online in a few clicks :)
The only thing I can think of is that I added my G license as well, even though I wasn't requesting car insurance. I'll try again without later.

Hmmm . . . the G license shouldn't be a problem. Usually online quoting tools struggle if there's something unusual (like a really old or rare bike) or something high-risk (claims, convictions, inexperienced operators, no rider training, etc.) about your profile, but it doesn't seem like this is applying to you. If you wouldn't mind sharing, how long have you had your M and what year is the bike?

Nope, that didn't help. By the way, I don't know how much input you have into this tool, but it would be REALLY nice not to have to type in all of my information every single time there's a failure, or even if I want to change the vehicle to compare.

I haven't experienced the failure yet, but yeah, that could be frustrating if you have to re-enter info. But if you want to change the vehicle being quoted (assuming no failure) that seems to be easy to do from the quote screen:

Change Vehicle v1.png
OK, I was able to get a quote by NOT entering my drivers license.
Oh, that's really unusual, but I'm glad it worked for you! I tried modifying my Aprilia quote by adding different levels of G license and it always gave me the same premium every time (even if I said I only have my G1 with an M). Maybe you slipped up on one of your inputs in the first time you tried quoting?
Nope, the only thing that got me through was skipping my driver's license, which says optional, and I was able to go back and change the vehicle to see what others would be. The SXV came out to about the same as I'm paying now, for the Hawk it asks me to call in, but that's expected, and for my other 2 bikes, it's much cheaper where I am now (but I am getting a multi-line discount from them). I'll keep playing with this to add my cars and house (if possible) to see what the grand total works out to. My only concern (and I've been burnt by this before) is that if I jump ship from Desjardins to somewhere else based on a quote, and that quote ends up being low (or worse, I get a mid-term price increase), then I've lose my loyalty discount at Desjardins which is huge.
Nope, the only thing that got me through was skipping my driver's license, which says optional, and I was able to go back and change the vehicle to see what others would be. The SXV came out to about the same as I'm paying now, for the Hawk it asks me to call in, but that's expected, and for my other 2 bikes, it's much cheaper where I am now (but I am getting a multi-line discount from them). I'll keep playing with this to add my cars and house (if possible) to see what the grand total works out to. My only concern (and I've been burnt by this before) is that if I jump ship from Desjardins to somewhere else based on a quote, and that quote ends up being low (or worse, I get a mid-term price increase), then I've lose my loyalty discount at Desjardins which is huge.

That's really odd -- I can't seem to replicate the G-class license challenge that you're experiencing. It sounds like there's nothing unusual about your G-class license either.

For the Hawk, it likely needs you to call in because of the age -- what year is it? I presume it's vintage?

That's interesting about how your quotes are comparing with your current Desjardins policy. You're right that if you quote multiple bikes as well as a car and/or house, you'll qualify for more discounts (e.g. multi-vehicle discount, multi-product discount) that might bring the package deal closer to what you pay with Desjardins. The quote that you receive online should be accurate, but you can always verify with the new company before canceling an existing policy. Your fear about future rate changes is understandable -- all companies (including Desjardins) are continuously adjusting their rates every year based on new claims data and revised statistical models fit to the new data. Sometimes the adjustments can work in your favour, and other times they can work against you (which is why you'll read about some people getting a rate decrease with an insurer in the same year that other people see an increase with the same insurer) . I know it can be frustrating when the adjustments aren't to your advantage, but the insurance company's goal is to match your risk of a claim to the premium as accurately as possible, and there's no "correct" answer to this technically challenging task. If an insurer gets the premium wrong in either direction, they lose -- if they unintentially overcharge a segment of clients, those clients will switch to a competitor, and if they unintentioanlly undercharge a segment of clients, they'll attract unprofitable business where the premiums collected aren't sufficient to cover the expected losses. As a client, you want to shop around to find the company that's going to lose money on you haha!

Personally, I wouldn't stick with an insurer because of a renewal/loyalty discount -- it's usually not a large percentage, and you can qualify for a similar discount with another insurer after a year or two anyways.

Anyways, it's always good to have options and Co-operators is now a serious player in the bike insurance market :)
That's really odd -- I can't seem to replicate the G-class license challenge that you're experiencing. It sounds like there's nothing unusual about your G-class license either.

For the Hawk, it likely needs you to call in because of the age -- what year is it? I presume it's vintage?

That's interesting about how your quotes are comparing with your current Desjardins policy. You're right that if you quote multiple bikes as well as a car and/or house, you'll qualify for more discounts (e.g. multi-vehicle discount, multi-product discount) that might bring the package deal closer to what you pay with Desjardins. The quote that you receive online should be accurate, but you can always verify with the new company before canceling an existing policy. Your fear about future rate changes is understandable -- all companies (including Desjardins) are continuously adjusting their rates every year based on new claims data and revised statistical models fit to the new data. Sometimes the adjustments can work in your favour, and other times they can work against you (which is why you'll read about some people getting a rate decrease with an insurer in the same year that other people see an increase with the same insurer) . I know it can be frustrating when the adjustments aren't to your advantage, but the insurance company's goal is to match your risk of a claim to the premium as accurately as possible, and there's no "correct" answer to this technically challenging task. If an insurer gets the premium wrong in either direction, they lose -- if they unintentially overcharge a segment of clients, those clients will switch to a competitor, and if they unintentioanlly undercharge a segment of clients, they'll attract unprofitable business where the premiums collected aren't sufficient to cover the expected losses. As a client, you want to shop around to find the company that's going to lose money on you haha!

Personally, I wouldn't stick with an insurer because of a renewal/loyalty discount -- it's usually not a large percentage, and you can qualify for a similar discount with another insurer after a year or two anyways.

Anyways, it's always good to have options and Co-operators is now a serious player in the bike insurance market :)

It's not the license class, it's entering my actual license number that causes the problem.

Hawk is an 88, and I tired the 89 that shows up in the list just to see, that's what asks me to call in.

The problem I had (actually my brother) was that he was tempted to switch to AllState based on a quote. When he finalized everything, they told him, oh, we made a mistake, so the price is now more (which was more than State Farm at the time).

The other occurence was when I switch my daughter away from Desjardins to another company using a broker. I didn't realize that it included a "loyalty" discount to match what Desjardins was giving us, but only good for one year. After that, the rate was higher than Desjardins, so it would have been better to not have left, but by then it was too late to go back.

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