roll up the scam to loose! |

roll up the scam to loose!

Bought 2 medium coffees yesterday, won a free coffee.
I only have one coffee a day on my way to work. Won a coffee on Monday morning and won another this morning. Hoping that the third time is a charm tomorrow. :)
[SUP]Look for McDonald's to offer free coffee soon.[/SUP]
Every time I buy 6 McDonalds cups of coffee I always get a free one... so I'd rather have not crappy coffee with a for sure chance to win than crappy coffee with a chance to win crappy coffee.
McDonalds has pretty decent coffee and as LiNK666 noted they have a built in loyalty program which is actually pretty decent. I used to frequent Timmies a fair but when I was on the road selling. I can count on one hand how many times I actually won something in the roll up to win and not being a donut eater I did not make out too well.

McDonalds gets my coffee money now.
Starbucks ftw

You're not wrong. For something "in and out" nothing else really comes close. I used to really like The Second Cup but they lost the plot over the past decade. Starbucks is usually high quality and consistent.
McDonalds has pretty decent coffee and as LiNK666 noted they have a built in loyalty program which is actually pretty decent. I used to frequent Timmies a fair but when I was on the road selling. I can count on one hand how many times I actually won something in the roll up to win and not being a donut eater I did not make out too well.

McD's gets my coffee money now.

I don't personally care if it is either places coffee, not a sophisticated pallet I guess. For me the loyalty program is good, but I like McD's simply because it is faster, rare if ever there are any line ups, plus when I add a muffin they only charge something like 17 cents (cant exactly remember). large coffee and a muffing is $2.15 total/ this same combo at tims would probably be about $3.50
McD's coffee is better, but never faster for me.
7 coffees so far - won 2 free coffees, and a donut.
LOL, on a whim I picked up a McD coffee on the drive home. The lid looks like a face. A likeable face. Is that on purpose? Is that supposed to be a subliminal marketing thing? Am I just looking for trouble?
I don't personally care if it is either places coffee, not a sophisticated pallet I guess. For me the loyalty program is good, but I like McD's simply because it is faster, rare if ever there are any line ups, plus when I add a muffin they only charge something like 17 cents (cant exactly remember). large coffee and a muffing is $2.15 total/ this same combo at tims would probably be about $3.50

I have four McD loyalty cards filled but I usually go for the coffee /muffin deal. If I use one of the cards for the free coffee the muffin costs almost as much as the combo.

Tim's muffins used to be better but not so much now. Their cutsey paper wrap makes for what looks like a smaller muffin.

BTW What's happening to our language. My coffee machine makes four cups. But that is four SIX ounce cups. A cup is EIGHT ounces, If it isn't eight ounce it isn't a cup. If someone sells you a six ounce cup can your pay for it with a seventy-five cent dollar?
Not going to Tim`s since they laid off 350 people .
Considering all the hate on for TH coffee in the layoff thread I'm surprised how many people here go there....

personally 3 cups so far this week and not a damn winner :(
Considering all the hate on for TH coffee in the layoff thread I'm surprised how many people here go there....

personally 3 cups so far this week and not a damn winner :(

It's all that's close (next door to work) If it wasn't for that it would be starbucks or nothing
you're not wrong. For something "in and out" nothing else really comes close. I used to really like the second cup but they lost the plot over the past decade. Starbucks is usually overpriced and consistently burnt.

You guys are losers, I always win free coffee or a donut

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