mimico_polak | GTAMotorcycle.com

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  • Hi - It's Mike

    Do you and Dad do tilework? I'm looking to replace tile a 4x4 shower. It has faux marble walls & mosaic tile floor. 120sq' of floor tile in same bathroom, existing floor is carpet. Burlington, Appleby and Dundas.

    Bathroom is in excellent shape, no leaks should be no surprises

    Not in a hurry but once the work starts I'd like it to be buttoned up in a month.
    I have an older pair of Teknic boots if you're interested.
    Let me know your email and I'll send you the size and some pics.
    hey mr polack, I have some seeds that are pretty good - indica/sativa cross, will get you high though.

    send me an address and I will send you seeds as a legal gift. lmk
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