Worst book you've ever read | GTAMotorcycle.com

Worst book you've ever read


Well-known member
With the threads about great books to read it got me thinking, maybe we should have a thread for horrible books to avoid like the plague.

My top vote goes to "something happened" by joseph heller

Read catch-22 which is an incredible book even if it's a fairly confusing read and figured i'd read something else by him. "Something happened" is basically about this absolutely miserable family that hates each other. It's about 600 pages long, i probably got 400 pages into reading about how much they all disliked each other, waiting for something to happen. Got fed up and skipped to the end to realize that something happened before the book started, and it was just 600 pages of how miserable the family was and had no real ending.

Upon realizing that i tore the book in half and threw it in the garbage.

Out of all her books, this one just threw me for a loop. Just disappointing. Too much going on that has nothing to do with moving the story along or adding any value. gave it 150 pages before I set it on fire.
Hmm..which religious book to crap on...so many choices.. Let's go with Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard!! Oh wait..that's a cult... Who are we kidding!! They're all cults!!! :-D

I REALLY REALLY hated this book

Didja know he was actually Polish? Emigrated to England after a long round-about life. His writing is, at time, truly magical. I really enjoy his work. Having said that, to each their own! :)

I read just the front cover from start to end and it, brutal book.
Please include why the book was so terrible otherwise this is a really boring thread. No religious doctrine please or you might as well lock the thread now.
Please include why the book was so terrible otherwise this is a really boring thread. No religious doctrine please or you might as well lock the thread now.

That's why I picked good'ol L.Ron...Scientologists aren't allowed to look at the interwebz.. :-D
Worst book? DaVinci Code comes to mind, because it made me the angriest. Edit: Okay fine, I'll say why - to me, the book is Dan Brown flipping the bird and/or trolling Christianity. The turning point was when they show up at that guys mansion and the characters casually acknowledge a metric assload of BS as fact.

Margaret Atwood books suck. Big time. CanCon charity recipient.

Tried really hard to like her books ... couldn't do it.
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Edit: Okay fine, I'll say why - to me, the book is Dan Brown flipping the bird and/or trolling Christianity. The turning point was when they show up at that guys mansion and the characters casually acknowledge a metric assload of BS as fact.

Come on..Christianity is a metric assload of BS passed off as fact!! :)
I second the bible. The short stories are so contrived and stilted. Also, not a fan of incest or misogyny.
Biggest let down was "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Terribile stunted writing style. It was painful to read. Had no flow, no charm. It was like reading bullet points at times.

But worst book was "The Hobbit" by a landslide! My God was that a boring waste of time!

I also disliked Shakespeare, I never did see what all the fuss was about, other than the body of work being a formalization of the language in writing.
Biggest let down was "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Terribile stunted writing style. It was painful to read. Had no flow, no charm. It was like reading bullet points at times.

But worst book was "The Hobbit" by a landslide! My God was that a boring waste of time!

I also disliked Shakespeare, I never did see what all the fuss was about, other than the body of work being a formalization of the language in writing.

The Hobbit boring? But... but...

I disliked most Shakespeare, but Hamlet kinda grew on me. Sorta, I mean, I don't hate it.
Most books weren't bad, I hated the Shakespeare though, Old English and me do not get along

It's not that it is old English, that isn't the worst part. It's that it is effectively a play, or "screen play". It's a truncated version of what a real novel is. It has no settings, no support, just straight dialog. Every incarnation of Shakespeare has tremendous liberties taken by production companies to set the stage, setting, ambiance, mood, etc. This is NOT to the credit of Shakespeare, and more to historians and play companies.

It would be like praising a screen play as a great novel; it's incomplete!!!

The reason why Shakespeare is forced down our throats, is that is really the first comprehensive body of work that encapsulates the English language to formalize it, when at the time, every village and region in England had a different dialect. Shakespeare marks the start of the rise of the English language on the level of French or German or Latin. Latin had been formalized ages before, and French had been formalized more recently compared to English.

Shakespeare should be studied more for historical value as opposed to literary value. More so with the controversy over authoriship, credit should be spread around.
Didja know he was actually Polish? Emigrated to England after a long round-about life. His writing is, at time, truly magical. I really enjoy his work. Having said that, to each their own! :)

Ok, I'll say why I hated it. I found it extremely confusing and hard to follow. The book requires your 100% undivided full attention when reading. I had to re-read some pages several times just to try to understand what's happening and eventually I got halfway though the book and I honestly had NO idea what the hell was going on and gave up. THan i read some reviews and all the critics were wetting their panties about how "deep" and "complex" the book is and how only supposed "intelligent" people get it. I disagreed and felt that it was simply badly written. In my opinion the critical praise was just another case of the Emperor's new clothes.

Oh, and I know that the movie "Apocalypse Now!" was based on this book.......incidentally, that's another highly regarded piece of work that I found overly long, thoroughly borring and, over all, quite unsatisfying.

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