Why Lane Splitting / Filtering is GOOD for traffic | Page 5 | GTAMotorcycle.com

Why Lane Splitting / Filtering is GOOD for traffic

I will make you this promise: If I ever get video of someone splitting or filtering in a responsible manner, I will most certainly post it.

ok, cool

I might make a post request about it, but don't have time right now. Hopefully someone will see this in the interim and post one up.

edit - but of course the incidence of the type of filtering process I am advocating, while rare now, would not be as rare if it was allowed and with potentially assigned strict penalties for violators. I'll bet it wouldn't take more than a morning to find such a video on the day it was announced as legal at 5 or 10 kph, and call it a 172 if they want if it's done at speeds greater than a person can run. That's the sort of message that has to get out, and that's also what has to be indicated in the advertising/promotion/info signage, so that other motorists can save their nose-out-of-joint angst for only those who went by them faster than someone could run. This is the type of example that almost anyone could relate to. Nevermind the semantics of whether he was doing 1 or 2 clicks over the allowed..."did he go by you faster than fast jog or not". Believe me, 5 or 10 kph is really slow and is a speed that even brain-dead cagers can SEE is damn slow. Slow is safer, slow is more respectable, slow is more doable. Bottom line.
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油井緋色;1839365 said:
Guys, I perfectly agree with you but it won't stop the cops here from charging you if they're on duty with careless or dangerous
so I suggest a campaign of educating the police... start by making an article that points out how the law allows filtering now,, and how the proposed way meets the law as it is stated... and present this argument to each precinct supervisor... ask them, how they would expect their officers to react if they start to see motorcycles filter in the proposed way.. ? what charge would be applied? Then once you have them thinking.. they might brief their groups that the proposed filtering should be ignored as it does meet the law
I really like a lot of what I am reading in this thread to date with this discussion etc, and responsible people working toward a goal

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