Harley Riders... Question?? | GTAMotorcycle.com

Harley Riders... Question??


Well-known member
Hey ai got a question.. not tryin to point anybody out here or trying to say you guys are ***** or something.. but what is it? I use to always wave to every bike out there and I usually get the waves back, but for some reason when I didnt getxa wave back it was fron a harley rider... lol wtf?? My dad and my girlfriend joke around abd say its bcz I sm black aha, but most people say that "A lot of harley riders will only wave to another harley rider" .... Uh is that true or what? Just wondering

Ok, here's a wave from a Harley rider,
feel better now? :D
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Wave or don't wave. Just ride and don't worry if you get one in return. This isn't unique to Harley riders.
Lo not hating or anything :p Just wondering if it is truethat some harley riders try to only wave to other hary riders lol. Lol thanks AGave
I only wave at Scooters

Sport bikes get the finger

Harley riders get no acknowledgement

Waving only Leads to possible conversations, Plans to meet for coffee then maybe dinner
Romantic beach weekends out of town

Then there's meeting the Parents/Family/Friends

And god forbid Apt/house shopping Paint colours,Furniture selections,What type of Dog to get and that never works out well for both parties.

Save yourself the hassle and keep both hands safely on the bars
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I don't wave at anyone anymore. I miss a couple of people because I'm shifting or whatever, and suddenly people's feelings get hurt (case in point).

So maybe I didn't wave at you. I'm sorry. :crybaby:
Wave or don't wave. Just ride and don't worry if you get one in return. This isn't unique to Harley riders.

I wave. Whatever. They wave back then great if not then whatever. I know a few people who dont wave on principal that it means your hand is constantly out and it gets tiring. So I just assume its that when I get no wave back and dont freak out if I forget to wave.
Have you heard of the "Harley Death Wobble"? Google it.
If Harley riders take their hand off the handlebars it could be their last wave...
It's because you use too many abbreviations. Harley riders don't wave to those who use too many abbreviations.
another wave thread?!?!?! ZOMG!!!!

It's still early in the season gilligan. There's time for at least 4-5 more of these. The people complaining about Harleys vs. people complaining about cruisers in general will probably be a 50/50 split.

FYI, I noticed more cruisers waving to us on the Saturday ride to Niagara tha sport bikes. And there was 25+ sportbikes on our ride!

Another FYI, the "Harley death wobble" reportedly occurs at >90-100 MPH (that's 144 - 160 km/hr for you metric folk), if you're riding that speed on ANY bike, you'd better not be frikking waving at anything.
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Riding for years now, I wave and I just don't care. No waveback means absolutely nothing to me anymore.

There was a time when I would have posted a thread like this, though.
wave with your right hand.

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