Coronavirus | Page 73 |


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TRUE STORY. I went to Walmart today for cat treats, they were out of human food. As I stood in line some lady made a smartass remark to me for coming to the store just for cat treats. I told the lady I had to fatten up my cats before I eat them because all you ******** are hoarding the food. Her little girl started crying. I didn't even feel bad. Next time mind your business.
She took her kid to Walmart today to shop :| the mind boggles.
Just wondering out loud here: What would be Russia's motivation to lie? It does seem likely that's what they're doing

Putin wants to appear to be in control and to have superior tech. There’s indications that the Russians have portrayed this as a western attempt to attack Russia. If the russian media reports that Putin’s leadership has thwarted this attempt it plays into his strong man image. This isn’t for the west’s benefit, it’s to keep control over his people.
How much is lots? Most of my Scot family and friends are too thrifty to drink more than a dram at a time, a 40 lb'er could last months. Me personally, I like a bit more....

They're only thrifty when its theirs. I watch some movies and see a person pouring themselves a half tumbler. I cringe and mine is only three or so a shot.
A couple of years ago I found out I had family in New Zealand. As we acquainted ourselves with each other one half sibling sent me copies of old family letters going back to WWII. It is interesting that as we exchange emails that, due to Corona, there is a similar tone to the communications.
2 ways this will go.....idiots believing this is a biblical plague and flocking to these scam artists.....or people getting angry and getting pikes ready for heads to put on them.
Or both. Two lines of enraged idiots like in the old days.
2 ways this will go.....idiots believing this is a biblical plague and flocking to these scam artists.....or people getting angry and getting pikes ready for heads to put on them.

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Ford just stepped up the lockdown. All non-essential businesses to close by midnight tuesday for at least 14 days. List of essential to follow.

So they gave 36 hours notice to allow businesses to prepare, but won't list what is considered essential until tomorrow sometime. That should be ok if you are in a known essential (healthcare, grocery, power generation etc), but what about possibly essential (garbage, some retail like canadian tire, etc). If they only have a few hours to shut it down, it is not easy for the employer nor the people that may want to get something before it's locked.
Ford just stepped up the lockdown. All non-essential businesses to close by midnight tuesday for at least 14 days. List of essential to follow.

So they gave 36 hours notice to allow businesses to prepare, but won't list what is considered essential until tomorrow sometime. That should be ok if you are in a known essential (healthcare, grocery, power generation etc), but what about possibly essential (garbage, some retail like canadian tire, etc). If they only have a few hours to shut it down, it is not easy for the employer nor the people that may want to get something before it's locked.

“essential” really needs to be defined here. I’ve seen no deliveries in my area this morning. Slightly concerned as I’m only half way through my 2 week home isolation. I want to know if there’s a plan in place should essential industries become impaired due to rising infection rates? Is there a back-up shift team etc? What about temporarily employing those that have lost jobs in non essential areas to essential areas to boost capacity and provide for emergency relief?
They deserve a savage beating and the idiot people who believe in that trash and give tithes should get slapped.
I know a family that owns a church in the city. They live like royalty and take money from low income people.

Do the math. Tithing is 10%. That means if you have ten members you are making the same as one average income. If you have 50 members you're making five times the average. Go for a thousand..........and make 100 X the average.

Most of the time they are preaching to the converted or desperate. They prey on the gullible. When challenged on $57 million dollar jets they retort "If Jesus came back would you expect him to be riding on a donkey?" No but how about a $30K Dodge Caravan?

I believe in God but not religion.
“essential” really needs to be defined here. I’ve seen no deliveries in my area this morning. Slightly concerned as I’m only half way through my 2 week home isolation. I want to know if there’s a plan in place should essential industries become impaired due to rising infection rates? Is there a back-up shift team etc? What about temporarily employing those that have lost jobs in non essential areas to essential areas to boost capacity and provide for emergency relief?
My wife and I were talking about a similar issue. She works in a hospital. Some departments are centralized. As fast testing is not available, if one person in that department gets it, technically all staff in that department need to go for 14 days. The hospital cannot function missing some departments. Do they leave the exposed staff in place and hope for the best? A rapid test solves this issue (test them all, those that are clear go to work, those that caught it get the boot).

For other things, like courier driver in your example, I have no idea how to solve that. They photocopy your drivers license, hand you the keys to a UPS truck and tell you not to crash it or steal anything? Their insurance carrier would not like that. Is Canada Post essential, we all know that 90% of what they deliver goes straight in the garbage anyway. Maybe actual addressed mail gets delivered but they cut all of the advertising crap? Nobody can buy anything anyway. Is garbage essential? In my mind, not for a two week window, but it is quite likely essential in a two month window.
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