Britain’s calls early election, should ours do the same? |

Britain’s calls early election, should ours do the same?

Mad Mike

Well-known member
British PM Sunak called an early election at a time when his struggling party looks likely to lose power after 14 years.

"Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future," Sunak said in an announcement that took most Britain’s by surprise.

Do Canadians deserve the same kind of surprise?
British PM Sunak called an early election at a time when his struggling party looks likely to lose power after 14 years.

"Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future," Sunak said in an announcement that took most Britain’s by surprise.

Do Canadians deserve the same kind of surprise?

It’s a surprise but he did it because inflation figures came out lower than expected a day or so ago and some jobs figures looked ok too. Sunak is running on “trust us, we’ll keep you safe and prosperous” but only if you have the memory of a goldfish and forget that for the past 14 years things have been crappy.
It’s a surprise but he did it because inflation figures came out lower than expected a day or so ago and some jobs figures looked ok too. Sunak is running on “trust us, we’ll keep you safe and prosperous” but only if you have the memory of a goldfish and forget that for the past 14 years things have been crappy.
Point is he knows his party is in peril, rather than holding onto power with a white knuckle grip he’s letting the people decide sooner than later.
Point is he knows his party is in peril, rather than holding onto power with a white knuckle grip he’s letting the people decide sooner than later.

He’s taking a chance that voters are fickle, the window isn’t huge and the timing doesn’t give Labour too much time to get on message. It’s also unusual because Sunak isn’t a generally elected leader. He got in after the last disaster through a party vote and probably wants to get a real mandate. To be fair though, it’s a bold move but I think this one will backfire.
I agree with jc100 , he got the job internally and will always be known as the spare unless he gets a ligitimate win. Britains been a complete mess for the last three years following BoJos complete Fups during Covid . I think Canada deserves the same chance , but I fear our leader will continue to display his out of touch mentality and push ludicrous policy till he gets the boot.

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I think their election was called now because Sunak foresees things getting worse for the Tories, not better. They are going to get punished for Brexit - as they should.

I can't see Trudeau doing anything similar. He's hoping for lower interest rates. In the ideal world, he should resign in conjunction with the Liberals having a leadership convention to hire new blood, and *then* call the election. But, I don't think that's going to happen.
JT wont call an election because he knows he’ll lose. He’s hoping and grasping with dumb policies to turn things around, while he burns the country to the ground in the process.

You can 💩 in one hand, and hope in the other…see which one fills up first.
Election now or later will have little effect for Canada and Canadians, Maybe a new face, but same garbage...
Election now or later will have little effect for Canada and Canadians, Maybe a new face, but same garbage...
I disagree. Jt's ineptitude has raised the bar substantially. Most politicians are roughly even but he stands out as being spectacularly bad with almost no concern for citizens and only concerned about fake messages and spending as much as possible.
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I think their election was called now because Sunak foresees things getting worse for the Tories, not better. They are going to get punished for Brexit - as they should.

I can't see Trudeau doing anything similar. He's hoping for lower interest rates. In the ideal world, he should resign in conjunction with the Liberals having a leadership convention to hire new blood, and *then* call the election. But, I don't think that's going to happen.
I wouldn't call Mark Carney new liberal blood
I disagree. Jt's ineptitude has risen the bar substantially. Most politicians are roughly even but he stands out as being spectacularly bad with almost no concern for citizens and only concerned about fake messages and spending as much as possible.
Meh, I hope you're right... But I have my doubts..
I think Mark Carney would be a good choice , Christia is too close to the problem , actually she is part of the probelm.
Freeland would not be my choice, mainly because her constant bobbling head makes me seasick. I have put a Post-it note over her head whenever I see her in a video.

Freeland would not be my choice, mainly because her constant bobbling head makes me seasick. I have put a Post-it note over her head whenever I see her in a video.

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I was watching CP24 the other day when the announcement for some new anti auto theft measures were released.
She couldn't keep that head still for more then 2 seconds regardless of who was speaking and what was being said.

Even my 14 year old daughter noticed
I was watching CP24 the other day when the announcement for some new anti auto theft measures were released.
She couldn't keep that head still for more then 2 seconds regardless of who was speaking and what was being said.

Even my 14 year old daughter noticed
You mean the announcement where they are spending a lot of money and more talking but no effort to increase inspections at ports? Just like the gun mess, they completely avoided any possible strategy to target the issue and instead plan to spend money in locations that will have zero effect.
You mean the announcement where they are spending a lot of money and more talking but no effort to increase inspections at ports? Just like the gun mess, they completely avoided any possible strategy to target the issue and instead plan to spend money in locations that will have zero effect.
Yes that one.
Not expecting any better outcome from this announcement.

Makes me wonder why they chose to announce this on a long weekend Monday.

It's not like it was pressing news that just couldn't wait another day or 2.
Jagmeet won't let it happen.
Trudeau will do as much damage as he can (people already hate him), then he'll resign shortly before the election so the new Liberal leader (Freeland) can pretend to be better than Trudeau to win back some of the CBC-washed brains and prevent a PC majority. Then the NDP-Nazi... I mean NDP-Liberal coalition can out-number the PC for 4 years. After the 4 years of voting down everything the PC tries to do, the Liberals will say, "They had 4 years to fix things, but they did nothing."
Book it.

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