beware this ho... |

beware this ho...

take her on out when the cheque comes in and laugh all the way home.
It certainly has given her 10 minutes of infamy...wonder if that was part of a plan?

I feel sorry for the men
Isn't this a standard tactic? Get free stuff if female?

*runs and hides*
if you aren't getting blown, banged and anal pretty quick then stop buying dinner for facks sake
So she's bad for doing this, but really no worse than the guys who buy her dinner expecting sex-no?

I feel sorry for anyone with that low of self esteem.
She should probably just become an escort, same thing....
Every guy pays for sex in one way or another, whether it's dinners / movies / dates or whatnot...she's just not providing the sex for his efforts!

Karma's a ***** and some dude will take her out and whine and dine her, and leave her to foot a stupidly massive bill. Then we'll hear how much of a poor soul she is and blah blah blah...
Every guy pays for sex in one way or another, whether it's dinners / movies / dates or whatnot...she's just not providing the sex for his efforts!

Karma's a ***** and some dude will take her out and whine and dine her, and leave her to foot a stupidly massive bill. Then we'll hear how much of a poor soul she is and blah blah blah...

She's already been exposed as a ho...justice has been done
Every guy pays for sex in one way or another, whether it's dinners / movies / dates or whatnot...she's just not providing the sex for his efforts!

Karma's a ***** and some dude will take her out and whine and dine her, and leave her to foot a stupidly massive bill. Then we'll hear how much of a poor soul she is and blah blah blah...

Exactly what happened! The site says:

"Wotherspoon even blogs about a time she was caught by a guy who knew about her shtick and took her out for dinner anyway -- without letting on that he knew. When it was time to pay the bill, he called her bluff and made her pay.

Her reaction to that experience? Only date "guys who are fresh off the boat & literally have no friend based established in the country yet."
thats why you always get a pre-dinner Blowjob.

plus, they wont eat as much, (as they've already swallowed something ) and the meal will be cheaper.

thats why you always get a pre-dinner Blowjob.

plus, they wont eat as much, (as they've already swallowed something ) and the meal will be cheaper.


LMAO awesome!

Sorry WeatherB what I meant was another guy does the same thing to her on a much bigger scale (ie: her credit card won't help her) and she'll have to wash dishes! LoL

And if enough guys get her like that, she'll soon have to resort to being a simple escort to cover the damage.
So she's bad for doing this, but really no worse than the guys who buy her dinner expecting sex-no?

I feel sorry for anyone with that low of self esteem.

Maybe it's the same - if a woman accepts a dinner and has sex is that bad? I think hopes and expectations are one thing, but a deliberate, stated plan makes this different. I also think it depends on whether the sex is considered on par with a commodity like food (which in this case is not food as a necessity). I would argue that even if a guy's intention is to get just sex with no emotional connection, it's still a type of shared intimacy that both could enjoy (or not) and each has the choice of participating. Here, she has an expectation that the guys will pay, knowing that 99% of the time they will because she's not honest about her intentions, and she also knows going in that it's all she wants. If she admitted to them up front that she just wanted the free meal and was willing to sit with them if they paid, then they could make the same choice - pay for her company, or choose better.

I agree completely with the self-esteem comment. She's fooling herself. I wonder what her parents think? I don't think we'll have to worry about what her kids think.

Something else - what happens if she meets someone she likes, then he finds out about this? Oh I get it. She's working on a screenplay for an "original" romantic comedy, on account of the acting gig ain't working out.

Her-Where are you taking me for Dinner tonight ?

Guy- well, That Depends on what happens next ( unzipping fly )

Guy- Its either going to be taco Bell, or the Keg, Its your decision and Im good with either.

this is the way it is, until shes your girlfriend..

then its only taco bell after that

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