******-bag parking. | GTAMotorcycle.com

******-bag parking.


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If the spot beside him was clear I would'be parked inches from his door... the spot wasn't clear.

If I had something to write with I would've written him a nice little note... I had nothing (damn electronic age).

So instead I took a picture and shall post here for all to admire his level of ******-baggery;

I always park right beside the driver door so they have to get in the passenger door.
With my daughters sidewalk chalk almost always in the truck, I will give the next one the sidewalk chalk treatment.

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Every car on both sides of him was parked like that, leaving him no choice but to slot in there. All the other cars have since moved on, leaving him looking like the doosh. But I would have smashed his windshield just to be on the safe side.
Is it possible that all the handicap spaces were taken up... and the person needed extra room to get in and out of their vehicle?
Yesterday, I saw an Audi 3 park in a similar way. The passenger got out and stood blocking the half space left over on the driver's side. The back popped open and an automated arm started to come out and extend right down the side of the car and put the driver's wheel chair down right at the driver's door. If there wasn't the half space beside the Audi, he wouldn't have been able to do that. The handicap spaces in the lot weren't available. I guess he's a ****** bag too!!!!
If the car has a handicapped sign, it's a possibility. That's a RARE occurrence, though,
Yesterday, I saw an Audi 3 park in a similar way. The passenger got out and stood blocking the half space left over on the driver's side. The back popped open and an automated arm started to come out and extend right down the side of the car and put the driver's wheel chair down right at the driver's door.

Blonde guy w. glasses?
Is it possible that all the handicap spaces were taken up... and the person needed extra room to get in and out of their vehicle?
Yesterday, I saw an Audi 3 park in a similar way. The passenger got out and stood blocking the half space left over on the driver's side. The back popped open and an automated arm started to come out and extend right down the side of the car and put the driver's wheel chair down right at the driver's door. If there wasn't the half space beside the Audi, he wouldn't have been able to do that. The handicap spaces in the lot weren't available. I guess he's a ****** bag too!!!!

And then he left that car parked over two spots? I highly doubt that.
I always park right beside the driver door so they have to get in the passenger door.
With my daughters sidewalk chalk almost always in the truck, I will give the next one the sidewalk chalk treatment.

Very nice!
I'm making this one my desktop background.
I always park right beside the driver door so they have to get in the passenger door.
With my daughters sidewalk chalk almost always in the truck, I will give the next one the sidewalk chalk treatment.

LOL I think I'm going to keep some chalk in my cage now.
Normally I totally hate d-baggery style parking jobs like the picture above but Im starting to get a little conflicted about my views.

My parents have a brand new car and last week some scumbag carelessly opened their door and ended up putting a huge messy gouge/scratch on the door of my parent's car. Its down to the metal bad. Did this scumbag in question leave a note (apology or offer to pay for damages)? Of course not. This is Toronto after all with 9 scumbags for every 1 good person.
LOL I think I'm going to keep some chalk in my cage now.

Or a nice small Peni$ parking sign like this guy lol.

Or a nice small Peni$ parking sign like this guy lol.


LOL, that dude's gonna get shot

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