Last Youtube Video of MaxWrist at Deals Gap |

Last Youtube Video of MaxWrist at Deals Gap

Man, that was tough to watch. I remember a few riders like that passing me on River Road, scared the heck out of me as I never saw them until they passed me.
"I don't know what happened. You just slid out!"

Idiot. I know what happened. You (all three) were going going way too fast on a public road and just about killed yourself.
As with every other one of his videos. I refuse to watch any of his videos. He's everything that is wrong with morons on crotch rockets. A menace to other users and a vocal and terrible ambassador for the sport. Dick. I don't want him to die but I would be happy if he never made another video again.
As with every other one of his videos. I refuse to watch any of his videos. He's everything that is wrong with morons on crotch rockets. A menace to other users and a vocal and terrible ambassador for the sport. Dick. I don't want him to die but I would be happy if he never made another video again.

I agree he is not exactly a proper “role model” but he’s heavily sponsored and makes a ton from YT which allows him just ride and record for living, and I think it represents what’s wrong with our whole society in general, he’s just one of many taking advantage of this system.. just a thought….
I wasn't going to watch but I did.

I was expecting it to be worse than it was.

Hope he heals up quick but I am not a fan of these types of videos.
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I agree he is not exactly a proper “role model” but he’s heavily sponsored and makes a ton from YT which allows him just ride and record for living, and I think it represents what’s wrong with our whole society in general, he’s just one of many taking advantage of this system.. just a thought….
Like not shopping at Walmart, I alone cannot make the evil leave but I sure as hell do what I can to avoid supporting them.
Hmm.......... buy a lottery ticket, you're one lucky guy to have survived that relatively unscaved.

Remember, he could have wiped out or gone wide on an inside turn and taken out one or more innocent riders coming in the opposite direction.
Was down there just before COVID with my wife on two bikes, last day in the area, last run eastbound and we pass an accident before the ambulance got there, dead rider alone with a blanket over him in the road, police and riders standing at the side. Wife was crying in the intercom. We took a break at the dam and were blocked in by EMS, heli evac landed in the road to lift out a guy that went off south of the dam, dropped 60 feet off the road. Zero interest doing that road again, it is not worth the risks. These videos just promote more tragedy.
Not a fan of MaxWrist and I won't watch his videos, but I gather it's at Deals Gap and it's more of the usual stupidity, riders going way over their heads to show off for the camera.

Trike crashes are a big problem down there. Crashes involving incompetence far outnumber those involving speed. MaxWrist appears to bait other riders into riding with him and thus showing off for the camera, and then bad stuff happens. I've seen him down there; most riders including myself don't want to have anything to do with him.
Second real lefthander before mile marker 8. Cold tires from too much talking at the overlook and trying to show off for the camera.

Oh the gap. Best roads in Ontario.

Can't wait till the re-paving next year. The poor state of the road since COVID definitely doesn't help.
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Looks like the same corner as your buddy "i'm going to go first!" got asked to pay the local track fee.

If that's the case (I'm still not watching to check) then it's a few corners in from the overlook. If they started from the overlook, well, cold tires are a thing. Also, there's some bumps and cracks in the pavement that deserve some respect. (It's scheduled for repaving next year)

Still ... idiots showing off for the camera.
The fact that they moved him before even calling emergency services seems like a terrible idea to me.

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Again, I didn't watch it. I strongly encourage people to stay put until they are competently assessed unless you need to escape danger (eg get out of live lanes if you don't have a heavy blocker vehicle, get away from fire, etc). Unfortunately, the natural reaction of many injured people and those around them is to get up and walk it off. Just stay down for f sakes, you can make small problems much bigger. No need to rush things. If you are somewhere safe, take the time to get assessed and then move around if you want. Even just laying there for a couple minutes until the adrenaline wears off helps you to figure out where there is pain.
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