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Picking Names


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Anyone want to try and guess the name of the variant after the delta has run its course?
Jet Blue
I think they have the highest bid in atm

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Aren't we already on Lambda?
I think in terms of the phonetic alphabet so Echo would be next. Following Echo would be Foxtrot and Golf. The dancers and golfers would be offended so the politicians would budget $6 million for a renaming program.
Well they haven’t kept up with the phonetic really;

Lambda is not correct, it would be Lima.
Well they haven’t kept up with the phonetic really;

Lambda is not correct, it would be Lima.
Hotel industry, India, Juliette, Mike and more. Too many people to offend. Heaven forbid we offend the Yankees.
How about "the one we wouldn't have if they just got the damn shot"

Epsilon and Lambda variants are likely vaccine resistant already. Delta is likely also to mutate and become vaccine resistant because the vaccines are only 40% effective on it.

Vaccine resistant viruses tend to spread and evolve in vaccinated individuals, the same way bacteria that's antibiotic resistant does in those taking antibiotics. Creating even more resistant versions with time.

The more holdouts from vaccinations we have the more of a reservoir for mutations we have.

Smallpox mutates the same way.....it's just that we have no reservoirs now.....due to....well, you get the point.

Edit: Just in case we have more lockdowns or preventative measures need to be kept in place, don't forget to remind your anti-vax friends that they are the cause.
I think the only way is to build your own immunity to this and not depend on the vaccine as and end all
Smallpox mutates the same way.....it's just that we have no reservoirs now.....due to....well, you get the point.

Same way, much slower, the two strains (variola major and minor) were ~430 years old. Verses gaining new dozens of new strains of COVID in a year.

DNA viruses mutate at a much slower rate of RNA viruses. To compare the two as similar problems with vaccination programs is dishonest at best.

Let alone the fact vaccine resistance strains have already become the dominant strains of COVID today. So everyone is a "reservoir" of it vaccinated or not.
Same way, much slower, the two strains (variola major and minor) were ~430 years old. Verses gaining new dozens of new strains of COVID in a year.

DNA viruses mutate at a much slower rate of RNA viruses. To compare the two as similar problems with vaccination programs is dishonest at best.

Let alone the fact vaccine resistance strains have already become the dominant strains of COVID today. So everyone is a "reservoir" of it vaccinated or not.

Not really. Context is key https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/JVI.01031-17

When was polio eradicated vs first discovered? Time factor?

The key takeaway is reduce the reservoir, reduce the mutations.

Did you even read your own article? Clearly not.

On a per-site level, DNA viruses typically have mutation rates on the order of 10−8 to 10−6 substitutions per nucleotide site per cell infection (s/n/c). RNA viruses, however, have higher mutation rates that range between 10−6 and 10−4 s/n/c

Double stranded DNA viruses like small pox are closer to 10^-8, single stranded RNA viruses like COVID are closer to 10^-4. According to your own article.

Do you know what an order of magnitude of 3 or 4 is equal to? About the same time frame in my original comment.

If COVID mutates once per year, a factor of 3 between them would put it near the last common variola ancestor for the strain found with dead Vikings.

So thank you for proving my point for me.

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