Tim Horton's bans motorcycle gatherings | GTAMotorcycle.com

Tim Horton's bans motorcycle gatherings


Well-known member
I have a friend who owns a Tim Horton's and this summer all Tim Horton's will be enforcing a 10 minute loitering bylaw in their parking lots. They say they have the support of the police and who will be issuing tickets.

I guess I'll be installing a coffee cup holder on my bike to take my coffee to go.

This really sucks
Well its past Noon so yes - April fools. Hey for those that called it just 20 minutes after the inital post - really? You couldn't let it run a little longer? I'd never want to sit in front of you at the movies and overhear -- "Hey the dog dies in the end.. or the bulter did it.. or his sister is really his mother"... gee wiz.

Also Ride or hang out at Tim's, I didn't mean to start up a thread knocking people preference although I would have liked to reel in a few more gullible foks before having the game called.
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Beat me to it...

Also tim hortons will stop selling coffee on april 25 unless you share this picture with your freinds!

WTF! I don't have a data plan on my cell, fricking outrageous.
I wish this was true, would hopefully get some riders out of the posing scenario and into actually riding.
Its funny how many 10yr old bikes you see with under 10K kms.
Hasn't this always been the case? Worked at a Timmy's in my youth and cops came for free donuts & coffee (they're always free for them anyways) and chased away the ricers in the back.

If you buy a coffee and drink it next to your bike, that's not loitering? Does loitering only count if you aren't a customer? I don't like to ride with a coffee in my bag I'll drink it on my bike if its cold out and my hands are freezing
It's great that there are so many well preserved older bikes. They will have to sell when they get married and/or the gf gets pregnant, nice deals for us! The only replacement part required is a new throttle cable from them revving the bike so much.
I just went and murdered the manager, only to find out this was a joke?! You moran!
I never understood why a bunch of guys would enjoy loitering outside of tim hortons...always looks like a sausage fest when I see stuff like that
the latest craze in tim's loitering is 'posting' outside with canada goose jackets. According to my friend's little brother, this is a very popular pasttime in woodbridge.
I never understood why a bunch of guys would enjoy loitering outside of tim hortons...always looks like a sausage fest when I see stuff like that

Funny, I never understood why it bothers adults what others do with their time and money.
Funny, I never understood why it bothers adults what others do with their time and money.
It doesn't bother me sunny boy... Just never understood it. You should read what I wrote or I mean re-read what I wrote. It wasn't a very difficult sentence...not sure why you interpreted it as something bothering me...

o well, have a good one!
the latest craze in tim's loitering is 'posting' outside with canada goose jackets. According to my friend's little brother, this is a very popular pasttime in woodbridge.

Lots of weird things become popular in Woodbridge. They're just "different" there :D


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