Satan called, he wants his weather back... | Page 2 |

Satan called, he wants his weather back...

That only works for females. A male without a kid in a children's water park=boot camp moms thinking they really know martial arts trying to beat your *** down.

I am saying walk through not hang out :p
Really not into extreme hot or cold. I don't want to ride in 38c weather as much as it is undesirable to ride in winter conditions.

I had this idea of summer cottages but more like underwater bases. A home built at the bottom of a lake. The water would naturally keep you cool in the summer. Maybe it's because I am a Pisces but being underwater looks really attractive right now.
This ain't nothin guys. I would way rather this than cold winter days! This is when it's great to have a bike!!!

Work out today was running up a sandhill, up then down a whole bunch of times. Haven't sweat like that in a while!

Hottest temp I've ever been in was 67 and I was in that all day without shade, not fun.
go down to Florida or Myrtle Beach now.....every Orpheus of your body will sweat....its super humid + hot there now...

Every wha? lol
I was just out at lunch and it really wasn't bad at all. There's a breeze and I barely had my AC on.
High 40's every day (without humidex). It really wasn't that bad.

thats like South Africa in the Karoo or Little Karoo - it's not bad because it's not humid.....the nasty bit about this is the humidity.

Hot Nights and High Humidity Set This Heat Wave Apart

Published: July 20th, 2011 in Impacts, Projections, Climate, Extremes, Heat, Energy, Weather, Extreme Weather, United States, US National, Midwest, Extreme Planet
By Andrew Freedman

My colleague Heidi Cullen has an excellent op-ed in the New York Times today on the current heat wave, and the shifting notion of what constitutes a "normal climate" as average global temperatures continue to warm. She didn't have room for details on the heat wave in that story, but it's worth doing so here given its important lessons for climate change adaptation efforts, particularly concerning public health and infrastructure.
The heat wave that is currently roasting much of the United States stands out from typical summertime heat events that we expect to occur during July and August. First of all, the hot weather, which is associated with a sprawling area of high pressure, covers a huge expanse. Today, for example, at least 141 million people under heat advisories or warnings, according to a tweet from NOAA spokesman Justin Kenney (see video below).

mind you 44 in South Africa was still bloody hot - yesterday got to 37.5 while riding according to the air temp on the bike.....was okay lightly dressed.

Felt weird as going home was "cool" - looked down and it was ONLY 29....:confused1:
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Hydration is definitely the not passing out! Unfortunately, I'm not sure it makes you 'feel' any better! LOL! Drank an insane amount of water yesterday and still felt a little iffy at one point on the 401 after so many hours outside in the heat. Felt better after I scooted off onto Guelph was so much cooler there! Made a huge difference.

Was seriously wishing I'd worn my textile pants though (instead of the leathers) :( but I made sure I wore leggings underneath, so I stripped when I was waiting at the bike shop for my repairs! LOL!
From my ten year old...

"When you are cold in the winter you would ask to turn on the heat, when you are hot in the summer you would ask to turn on the air-conditioner. Why don't you just ask to turn on the cold?"

I like it, from now on I am turning on the cold.
i like COLD, cuz in the COLD u can layer up until you are warm. but in the hot u can only strip until you are naked and its still hot.
would like to see this over snow..probably going to miss this weather in a few months..bring on the heat!!

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