Riding Hand Signals | GTAMotorcycle.com

Riding Hand Signals


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Stole this from another motorcycle forum, love the last hand signal description;P

You stole some empty white space from another forum??? lol i think something didn't copy/paste properly..
You stole some empty white space from another forum??? lol i think something didn't copy/paste properly..

Something is probably wrong on your end, cuz i can see it.
You can see it cause you are logged into that board, we can't.

oh! ok i THINK i know what you mean...let me see if i can fix it...
ok here is one you should be able to see, even though the funny part has been edited...

"Comfort stop; Forearm extended, fist clenched with short up and down motion"

Just how comfortable are we getting? :lmao:
I've been on a few group rides and saw all these fancy signs. Drives me crazy! "Pull off" ok or I "need gas" fine, but I have eyes and if you react to somthing I'll see the reaction and look for the hazard, keep your dang hands on the handels and feet on the pegs and ride your bike. This is another reason why I ride alone or with one person that I don't have to watch do the macerana and hokie pokie to tell me there's a bump ahead.
I've been on a few group rides and saw all these fancy signs. Drives me crazy! "Pull off" ok or I "need gas" fine, but I have eyes and if you react to somthing I'll see the reaction and look for the hazard, keep your dang hands on the handels and feet on the pegs and ride your bike. This is another reason why I ride alone or with one person that I don't have to watch do the macerana and hokie pokie to tell me there's a bump ahead.

LMAO now whenever i see riders performing these hands signals, i'm gonna starting giggling.
Glad i don't ride with you. I appreciate the warnings of dead animals in my lane if your ahead , gravel in a corner etc. Bump in a road , never saw the hs for that one........
I've been on a few group rides and saw all these fancy signs. Drives me crazy! "Pull off" ok or I "need gas" fine, but I have eyes and if you react to somthing I'll see the reaction and look for the hazard, keep your dang hands on the handels and feet on the pegs and ride your bike. This is another reason why I ride alone or with one person that I don't have to watch do the macerana and hokie pokie to tell me there's a bump ahead.
Bump in a road , never saw the hs for that one........

Raise your rear off the seat a few inches and twist it like you're farting.
Lol no problem, there's no way I'm going to take my hands/feet off to tell you there's gravel! How far behind/slow do you ride? By the time you see my signal then figure out WTF I'm signalling about you've already hit said animal or binned it on the gravel.
you use a leg not a hand lol I ride slow enough to read hand signals lol
Lol no problem, there's no way I'm going to take my hands/feet off to tell you there's gravel! How far behind/slow do you ride? By the time you see my signal then figure out WTF I'm signalling about you've already hit said animal or binned it on the gravel.

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