Paint protection vinyl |

Paint protection vinyl

I'm pretty sure I saw a seller of 3M di-noc on kijiji not too long ago. Here's one:

Are you planning to wrap the whole tank or just lay down a piece under the tank bag?

The thing is, I have a tank pad and gas cap protector and tank grips. So I was thinking of just getting the main exposed paint areas the tank bag will touch (which is mainly the top portions) and just cover that up. But thats
If there's a Trimline outlet near you that would be a good place to go. They often have cut-offs from previous jobs that they'll sell for cheap.
I bought a roll of this faux carbon fibre vinyl film from Cdn Tire last year:




It works well as a tank protector and doesn't peel off. I have a "test piece" on my gas powered blower for the last 4 years, and it hasn't moved. Its been exposed to dirt, grime, gas, oil, and lots of abuse.
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call norb at CARBOX Industries 647-403-4211 he does the 3m paint protection and vinyl wraps. he did some carbon work on my old bike this year for me.


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Plastic world on sheppard.
awesome store, bought a bunch of real carbon fiber from them. They also have the resin and everything else you might need. I bought it because i'm doing a negative mold of all of my fairings (really lengthy process but i'm doing a write-up for all of those noobs like me).

A few years back i bought ebay fairings and was worried about the color chipping off so i wrapped the bike in clear 3m vinyl (bought from them too). Was a pain in the butt BUT it worked PERFECTLY. not one scratch and it was always super glossy!!

My recommendation, if you're going to wrap the tank get some 3m adhesive primer or the cf will peel off. It's a big pain with awkward edges and if you don't do it right (pull to hard, heat too much etc etc etc!!!) you'll have to start from scratch!! If you're not doing CF and sticking with clear vinyl, it'll be much much easier and you'll be able to tug and heat.

Also, the 3m stuff is super expensive.

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