Motorcycle Collision Repair |

Motorcycle Collision Repair


Yesterday morning, just after 8 a.m. I was involved in an accident with a pickup truck. The truck was in the right lane and I was in the left lane. I made sure I wasn't in his blindspot while we were both travelling north. The truck slowed down, put it's hazard lights on, and then attempted to do an illegal u-turn pulling in front of me. I ran into the rear ds passenger door of the pickup travelling just under 60km. I suffered minor injuries, the driver was charged, and my bike suffered some damage (scratches, hwy light broken off, floorboard damage). I would like recommendations regarding where to take it for a safety, and scratch and paint repair in the Toronto east end area. This is my first accident and hopefully my last. Thanks.
First name that springs to me is "cheekeebandito" on this form. Great reviews.
If it were me I'd just call the insurance company and let them deal with it. From the sounds of the accident it would most likely be written off. You won't pay a cent.

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