Hwy 560 to Temiskaming | GTAMotorcycle.com

Hwy 560 to Temiskaming


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We want to take Hwy 560 from 144 across to Temiskaming.

What is the 560 like?

I know to fuel up at the 144/560 split but is it that remote?

Ive done this road a few times in recent history. Roads are in good shape and it's an easy ride but there are a few things to be aware of:

1) Fuel. Fill up in Chelmsford before you hit 144, you'll need at least 150KM of fuel to hit the Watershed Gas station at 144/ 560. The Watershed gas station at 144/560. There are no dependable stops along 560 -- so be sure you have 150km of fuel when you leave the Watershed.

2) Traffic & speed. There isn't much traffic on either road. 144 has some semis, passing is easy, most are moving at 100kmh - few cars and pickups are usually running 110-120kmh. 560 has little traffic, mostly logging and forestry trucks, and they move FAST --not uncommon to see them at 120 kmh.

3) Wildlife. Don't ride either of these roads in the twilight or dark. Moose and bears are very real collision hazards from sunset to sunrise.

4) Bring bug spray. If you get stranded (flat tire, breakdown), or need to stop for photos or a break, biting flies will eat you alive.

One more thing... These are very isolated roads and cell service can be spotty, particularly along 560. Make someone who cares aware of your route plan, message them when you leave Sudbury, again at the Watershead, then when you arrive in Timiskaming. If you have a find-me app on your phone - share it with them.
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Thanks @Mad Mike. Although we are good for 350+ Km on a tank we'll take your advice on fueling up twice on the route.

Also will let someone know when we are on route. The lack of Cell service we have experienced before on the 129 and strangely in Letterkenny :unsure:
I thought the 560 was a pretty fun road when I rode it 10 or so years ago.
Big, fast sweepers with very nice pavement made it one of the better roads in the area.

After Temiskaming, then head down the 101 on the east side of the lake which is nicer than the 11. You can also catch the 533 towards Mattawa before heading home.

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