How to verify if helmet is Authentic? |

How to verify if helmet is Authentic?


I'm thinking of purchasing my Arai helmet and I have been browsing for days for a cheaper arai helmet. All of he helmet that is in is selling the Arai RX-7x helmet for 881 usd and same with Amazon. So basically almost all seller is selling this helmet for a 800+usd. But I found the same helmet in Aliexpress which only sold for 600+usd. I'm not sure if this is legit. Here is the link [Aliexpress Arai Helmet Here] but I'm not sure if this is a legit helmet or just some cheap knockoff helmet. Any idea on how to spot a fake and a legit? and how to know if the seller is legit? I saw his rating and he has like 90+% positive rating that's why I thought maybe he sell a legit helmet but the price of only 600usd is kinda fishy. But it would be great if this is actually a legit helmet
Unless it's a closeout from a well known online retailer, a price like that sounds too good to be true and I wouldn't take the gamble.
@Rick CH yeah from revzilla they only price their helmet like this when it's a closeout item. But for this just as you said it's really too good to be true. But somehow I'm hoping that this is a legit helmet
No DOT on the back.Fake.
Arai is VERY good at controlling their retailers when it comes to advertised prices.
IF this retailer was advertising REAL Arai helmets at that low price, Arai would no longer supply helmets, to protect the sales of other Arai helmet retailers.

... and it's on Aliexpress
No DOT on the back.Fake.

Department of Transportation is a US certification. If that helmet ships from China, there would be no DOT sticker on the back.

I see a PSC/SG (Consumer Product Safety Association) sticker on the back-left which indicates this helmet was destined for the Japan/Asia market.

Still, personally I wouldn't trust anything that ships from China.
@Lightcycle I didn't know about the PSC/SG learn new here. Yeah you are also right since it's from china. That is why i'm kinda hesitant to purchase. But if you think about it almost all products now are made in China
Have you EVER bought anything from Aliexpress?
If not: Yes, my inference is that there are knock off goods being sold on Aliexpress.
@bitzz yeah been buying items from Aliexpress like my radiator guard and other accessories. Also bought a helmet which is only worth 30usd. It feel cheap (actually it really is cheap) and I saw other helmet like AGU which is a cheap copycat of the AGV helmet. That's why I thought that maybe it's one of those item that only copies the brand and name then sell it in a much cheaper price
the bag says Made in Japan. How much cheaper is one bought in Japan vs in the west? That might be the savings there. Bought stuff in the east on visits that were a third cheaper than locally.
No DOT or ECE, but Snell, hmmm.... its for Japanese domestic market.
That doesn't make it a bad helmet, but as others have suggested caveat emptor.

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