How do you deal with tailgaters? (or bad drivers) |

How do you deal with tailgaters? (or bad drivers)


Well-known member
I normally flash my brake lights (without braking), turn on my hazards, and slow down a little more than traffic. I flash my brake lights till they back off. I tried to do the whole pull away from them thing but it doesn't work because they think I'm trying to race them or something. (Woodbridge kids :sad3:)

Today I even changed lanes and gestured him to pass, but I did it in a way to embarrass him like i was rolling out the red carpet for him. I top it off with a disappointing head nod when he looks at me as he passes. I feel like embarrassing them is the best way to do it because it actually gets them to stop once they realize how stupid they look. I do the same thing when I'm in my car.
Just move out of the way and let them need to hold them up or cause road rage. If you're not driving fast then don't coast in the fast lane, if they want to go above the limit its their choice.
Get out of their way when you are on 2 wheels.Car vs wins everytime.
Just move out of the way and let them need to hold them up or cause road rage. If you're not driving fast then don't coast in the fast lane, if they want to go above the limit its their choice.


If you're in the passing lane and you're pacing with traffic just get the **** out of the way. If there is traffic I still try to get out of the way and then just pull behind them. Let them tailgate someone else and free yourself of some stress.

People who want to drive faster then you are just lambs for the slaughter when you roll by a cop doing radar.
I'm a new rider so I always stay in the right lane. I follow the speed limit so its not like im doing it on purpose. I can't always change lanes, I slow down so I force em to change lanes, then if they wanna pass me, Id let them. I would never consider blocking someone while on a bike.

EDIT: I'm trying to keep the habits and tips I got from RTI.
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Call the cops, give them the plate #. Tell them you think he was drinking and trying to race you :)
That is a safe way for them to possibly stop and as well get the traffic cops doing other things.
Depends on the situation. If Im on a bike I'll get outta there. If Im in the car, and not in the fast/passing lane, I'll just go about my business, or maybe slow down even more to get em frustrated.
I normally flash my brake lights (without braking), turn on my hazards, and slow down a little more than traffic. I flash my brake lights till they back off. I tried to do the whole pull away from them thing but it doesn't work because they think I'm trying to race them or something. (Woodbridge kids :sad3:)

Today I even changed lanes and gestured him to pass, but I did it in a way to embarrass him like i was rolling out the red carpet for him. I top it off with a disappointing head nod when he looks at me as he passes. I feel like embarrassing them is the best way to do it because it actually gets them to stop once they realize how stupid they look. I do the same thing when I'm in my car.

I always weave back and forth suddenly and flash a brake light to look like there is something wrong with my bike. The tailgater always backs off quickly.
Dont agitate the tailgator... It does nothing for you. Just change lanes (Either left or right), let them pass and change back... They were an a-hole for tailgating you but what your doing makes you an a-hole too.
wow you guys must be really bored? Whatever, this was supposed to be a somewhat interesting thread but it didnt work out. I enjoyed all your sarcastic comments though, thank you.
wow you guys must be really bored? Whatever, this was supposed to be a somewhat interesting thread but it didnt work out. I enjoyed all your sarcastic comments though, thank you.
Hope you got some help.Thread is cleaned up.Next clean up comes with trolling infracs.
I can't always change lanes, I slow down so I force em to change lanes

I hope you're not doing this in a passing lane...

Just move over to the right when you can if you find yourself going than the flow of traffic in that lane.

Had a guy almost kill himself (and possibly the people around him) cause he was raging at the fact that the passing lane was doing 120 on the 400 South and there just happened to be a car directly beside that car doing 120. He gave about 1/2 a car length going that speed and cut off my gf on the farthest right lane with about a car length to spare just to cut across hard to the passing lane and slam on his brakes... He oversteered and almost hit the barrier spitting up all kinds of crap from the shoulder (I actually thought he hit it) and sped away.

Yes, he was an idiot. Yes, he could have killed us. Does that person care? Probably not - so its best just to avoid those situations and move aside.
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In the car, I just pull over to the right and let the guy pass if I feel I'm obstructing him. If I'm in the right lane I carry on business as usual and pay him no mind. If he hits me then I get my already cracked tail light fixed for free :D

On the bike, usually a turn of the head with visor down (especially tinted visor) is enough to get them to back off. Has worked every time for me. If you want to be more dramatic, take one hand off the bars and do a full torso turn-n-stare. They'll drop back unless they have something to prove.
What would having a tinted visor down do anything to stop a tailgater? Plus trying your whole body around while on the freeway and staring doesn't sound to safe
If I am on my bike I usually get into another lane and let them pass but if I am in my jeep I have a set of fog lights in my rear bumper & my jeep is lifted so I flick them on to get their attention...that works real nice lol!
What would having a tinted visor down do anything to stop a tailgater? Plus trying your whole body around while on the freeway and staring doesn't sound to safe

Actually this right here works. Shows that you're not liking something.
Not able to control your bike with one hand and a little torso turn? Get more practice lol
Westbzero, I normally do a quick look over my shoulder to look back at the car. In almost all cases the car usually backs off a bit. I don't give them a dirty look, I just make it look like I'm doing it to see just how close they are. I think sometimes people don't realize just how close they are, and some don't realize that they are too close for your comfort. I've never yet been bullied by someone behind me like others have experienced. And, if I was in the passing lane, then of course I'd move over. But I know you are not talking about that in this particular post. If it was really scary and my safety felt threatened, then I'd turn off the road and let the jerk pass. Getting home the same condition I left is my first goal.

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