Holy Hostility! (What would you do?) | GTAMotorcycle.com

Holy Hostility! (What would you do?)


Well-known member
Does everyone around here still reply "cool story bro"?

Anyways, I was driving home with my wife and I saw a CBR600, late model, maybe even f4 being pushed into a canadian tire parking lot at eglinton/laird. So, since I'm a rider, and I wouldn't just pass by something like this, I turn around to see if I can help the guy out.

So, I pull into the lot, drive up beside the guy and ask "Is everything ok?"

The guy's eyes are wide open, but he doesn't answer, so I think, maybe he's got ear plugs, so I ask again "Are you okay?"

His response, after a pause:
"Do you know what F*** OFF is? You and your ugly wife F*** OFF!!!!!"

Now, I was assuming he was out of gas, and I've actually helped a few people out (while in my car) by getting them gas. But man, I was shocked by the response I got.

So, what's with the hostility? I was going to go back with my bike (as I'm sure he's still there) to see if I get a warmer reception, but my wife says it's not worth it.

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There are some people out there, who are just not nice. You just met one of them. Luckily not everyone is like that.
Well you're a better man than I still wanting to help him, I mean... WTH the guy insulted your wife!!! I say F'im, he's lucky you didn't run him down ...
Holy **** you are a nice guy. If some dude called my GF ugly when I was offering to help him out, I would probably have run his *** over.
Wow. Rude guy just lost some serious karma points. Sucks to be him.

Don't take it personally, koalakid. Although I know I'd be tempted to ride past him and give him the finger because I'm a bit evil like that.
The fellow sounds like the epitome of culture and sophistication and obviously NOT in need of assistance (although it would seem that he could use some lessons in manners!) Nothing good would have come out of your returning to the scene. Your wife is wise - listen to her.
I usually give people the benefit of the doubt when things like that happen. Breathe deeply and try not to let it get to you.

Perhaps you might have caught him at a bad time. Maybe right after he had catastrophic mechanical failure.

Don't it dissuade you from being helpful to others just because of a few bad apples.
Sounds like he was having a bad day. Different people handle things differently I guess. I wouldn't fret over it.
two options

a-if wifes is ugly, ram the bastard with the car

b- if wife is hot immediately drive home and bang the wife
U should take a pic so everyone can laugh at him.

Some people has no social skills, that was one.
Hah, thanks guys. To reply to as many as possible in one post:

- yes, my wife is wise, I listen to her often, it works well for me
- wife is far from ugly and she laughed it off

- g'night!
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Holy **** you are a nice guy. If some dude called my GF ugly when I was offering to help him out, I would probably have run his *** over.

+1 I would've punched him in the face.

Whatever, though...it's nice to know people still ask to see if you're doing okay.
You are a decent person, you got some karma points regardless...
f4 guy on the other hand - it must suck being that guy, mechanical failure or not...
He already got what he deserved...you tried to fish him out of the soup...if he wants to stay there its his problem..don't worry be happy..it is because of guys like you Good still Prevails...

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