Hello! New rider from Brampton on Royal Enfield Bullet | GTAMotorcycle.com

Hello! New rider from Brampton on Royal Enfield Bullet


Hello riders! I am from Brampton and just got my M2. I ride a 2011 RE Bullet. I am looking for fellow riders (preferably with REs) in Brampton area who would love to go for a ride. I went to the Forks the other day and was blown away with the experience. There are so many more routes to explore...are there any rides scheduled in Brampton?


Not sure about scheduled rides but I live north east brampton with a few friends in the area, wouldn't mind going down to the forks sometime
Welcome ....... I'm at Bramalea n Father Tobin sometime will meet for a ride :)

Ride safe...
Reborn into riding again. It's been 12 long years, but I'm ready to rock and roll again. LQQking for some riders in brampton, nothing crazy.
Love the RE's. You will have a blast.
welcome nice bike.
im in for a ride on saturday. keep me posted im located at castlemore n gore rd.
Welcome.... how's the bullet? Is it 350 or 500?

The Southern Cruisers riding club organizes rides every Tuesday around 6:30 pm. Just ride on up and say hello! On Hwy 10 at the Wimpy's restaurant.
Thanks guys.

@Dhruv: LOVE it. its 500. They dont import 350 here.

@Beanz: Tue is a bad day for me. I am
already occupied on Tue eves.
Welcome to the forum, enjoy your ride.
I'm just west of Torbram, just south of Sandalwood. See you out there!

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