Hanging gear in a cubicle | GTAMotorcycle.com

Hanging gear in a cubicle


Well-known member
Looking for a product to hang my helmet and jacket in my cubicle. I see aerostitch has a $200 CAD option which is quite nice but way too excessive and not the best for what I have. I have one very tall wall where i can't easily reach the top and one chest level wall. What do you guys use or recommend?
Helmet, gloves and sometimes pants, went either into the desk drawer or into the bike's trunk. Jacket went into the closet with everyone else's jackets. Boots went under the desk.
When we went to the track, we brought camping chairs with us, enough to seat us and friends who came by to visit our "paddock".

No matter how many chairs we'd bring, people would always put their helmets on them and nobody could sit down.

So we got a whole bunch of these helmet hangers and hung them on the canopy. Freed up all the chairs.

And not $200.

helmet holder.jpg

No reason why you can't hang a coat hanger on them as well behind the helmet. Gloves can go anywhere, but if you really wanted to hang them up as well, use a clothespin and string them up over the straight part of the hanger.
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