Forum offline Saturday December 16th

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Rider Training Professional
@PrivatePilot has graciously agreed joined to GTAM team and help me find and fix the pesky errors that have been plaquing the site.

Get your fix now, while you can. You will be forced to interact with real people or hid in your rooms. Forum will be turned off at 10pm on Friday December 15th as we prep to migrate over that weekend.
Moving to a host/server will kill a few birds with one stone - it’s a long story but having looked into the nuts and bolts, without getting into the details, I don’t believe that the current host is doing the site and Cutekill justice in several regards.

If all goes as planned ideally the forum will be turned back on around lunch hour on Saturday, December 14’th. Possibly earlier if everything goes perfectly smooth, but past experience with these sorts of migrations tells me that there are often bugs to chase, so don’t be surprised to try opening GTAM on the Saturday and experiencing an error message or two while we troubleshoot any gremlins.

If things go severely pear-shaped there is a recovery plan in place as well lol, but I have great faith in the new Canadian based host serving us well. We’ll make an announcement when the migration is fully complete.
Thanks for all the work on keeping it going. As I read, type and search without a worry about all the effort it takes to keep the lights on. It is very much appreciated and am humbled by those that know how to do this work.
Thanx for the efforts.

Can we request to improve the search feature of this forum?

I know this isn't the request thread but just putting it out there.....
Thanx for the efforts.

Can we request to improve the search feature of this forum?

I know this isn't the request thread but just putting it out there.....
please make a request thread (info in the sticky) so we can track it and discuss concisely.
Bump. Just a reminder that we go offline at 10PM tonight.

We are hoping to have everything back online by noon tomorrow, Cutekill and I will jump on things as soon as we are up in the AM on Saturday (the migration will be happening overnight Friday, hence why we are going offline to “freeze” things) and we will hopefully get things kicking again on the new server ASAP, but I anticipate having some bugs to squash.
That’s @cutekill’s side of things, but yes, good to note. 👍
Settle down folks.. the one thing I've never forgotten to do is renew all the domains.
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