Adventures in Motorcycling |

Adventures in Motorcycling


Hi, I'm a new rider with a 2008 Suzuki Boulevard 650; this is like the prequel of me getting my bike.

TLDR: I get a motorcycle.

2009ish - 2011
  • I'm gonna look at getting a bike this year.
January 2012:
  • This year I'm really gonna get a bike. Really really.
  • Browse Kijiji, send out inquiries.
  • Go to see a bike with my buddy, it's alright but not a great deal. My buddy knows more about the guys bike than he does.
Feb - March
  • Go to see a few more bikes on my own, one looks really good online but when I get there it's "oh I know the ad says 2004 but it's really a 2000" and "I can't start it for you cause I forgot to charge the battery" and "oh that damage you couldn't see in the pictures online happened when I was moving it just yesterday". It was a little like I was being sized up by carnies... decided not to purchase that one.
  • Got in touch with Cat13 about her Suzuki Boulevard. I think it's a Purrfect fit for my first bike and my buddy agrees. Sold for $3200. Cat is cool and even recommends I go to Learning Curves since she's an instructor there.

  • Book Learning Curves midnight madness version & pass my M1 test. Somewhat impressed that I pass the vision test without glasses.
  • Purchase helmet and jacket in spring sale from GP Bikes in Whitby for ~$300.
  • Thursday classroom session for M1 course. I showed up a week early because I'd written down Apr 14-15 but I'm actually scheduled for Apr 21-22. They're cool with it and let me do the classroom session that night anyways. It is boring, even the instructors are saying how boring the group is. FYI it's your job to be engaging and entertaining not ours but ya that group was pretty lame & I'm glad the school part is done with.
  • Saturday session, first time I've ever been on a motorcycle in my life. I liked the part when after we'd gotten started the instructor said "who here has never ridden a motorcycle before?" and a bunch of us raised our hands and then he said "you can put your hands down"... since we had just been riding. I liked the end when we were just riding around the track and the country road, maybe a little too much since I got a talking to after I passed another student. He was just going so slow on his 125cc and I was on my big 250cc and couldn't help myself. F*ck I am sore after this session.
  • Sunday session and the test. I'm on the Honda Rebel with the super comfy seat that is like sitting on a couch. Get to the part where you accelerate in a straight line and stop and I'm like I'm gonna ace this one in my head. When I go to stop I yank on the front brake and dump the bike on the right side, skidding to a stop on the parking lot pavement. Instant fail, how embarrassing. Nothing really hurt except my pride but I'm so disappointed with myself.
  • Remember how I just said nothing was really hurt, well Monday morning my right hand is totally numb like paralyzed (I'm right handed) and I have a really hard time doing up the buttons on my shirt with my left but it gets better by the end of the week.
  • Schedule a retest for next weekend but I show up in the corduroy pants I wore last week and I'm told I must be in jeans. Nevermind that these are really thick and worked like a charm when I fell in the test. I don't remember if they said you had to be in jeans or not but she's pretty and she's probably right so I don't argue much. I could have maybe gone out and bought some jeans and came back but then another guy that was also redoing his test would have taken the Rebel and for me I'm either passing on that bike or nothing, so I left.

Then for a long time nothing happened. It's mostly Morrowind's fault.


  • The whole impetus for getting this Motorcycle was to ride it up to Algonquin Park for our annual Lake of Two Rivers camping trip, and that is coming up so I had better get on this. Lets book another retest at Learning Curves and get a new M1, Bam! Lets pass the test this time, Bam! Lets do all the bureaucratic paperwork to get this thing on the road... Ugghh.
  • Monday (08/20) after the retest I have insurance with Riders Plus for $1500/y, by far the cheapest quote I got.
  • Tuesday my buddy is like you can just go to the MTO now and get a temporary 10 day sticker because the bike was certified by it's previous owner. After 50 min in line the lady at MTO is having none of it, gotta be certified.
  • Funny story. I search all around to find a new battery from Canadian Tire, pour in the acid, charge it, and my bike won't start. It is also a royal pain to get at the battery since the screw holding a panel is stripped and I manage to pinch my finger with pliers trying to get it off. Now either I didn't attach the battery correctly (unlikely), I got the wrong 12v 14Ah battery (don't think so) or something is screwed up in the electrical system (uh-oh). This is probably the low point in my motorcycle odyssey, so close and yet so far and it brings to mind a Coldplay song:
When you try your best but don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you you need
..Could it be worse?
...And I will try, to fix you

  • Wednesday I get my buddy to have a look and we figure out that the main fuse is blown, and when we put in a new fuse it blows right away. Well lets try the original battery and lo and behold the part number #027-1069-0 new battery that I bought has the positive and negative ends backwards which I didn't notice when charging/installing it. I am a total newb when it comes to mechanical stuff. I blame the guy at Canadian Tire that sold it to me. Thank goodness for main fuses.
  • Thursday morning we take it over to get certified at a local shop that's 5 min away from the house here in Richmond Hill. This in no way entails attaching an expired Québec plate and having my buddy follow right behind me to prevent cops seeing the plate. Also it's the first time I actually ride my bike. : )
  • Friday (today) I walk to the shop to pick up the certification after $223 for mechanical fitness check (pass) and fit new front brake pads and lube and repair stop cable and then walk to the MTO to get my plate, then walk back to the shop in sandals and a tshirt with just my helmet since it's so damn hot. Wow, finally I have a licensed legal & legitimate working bike that is mine, ALL MINE!!!! First stop gas station since I rode over on the reserve tank, but wait... I run out of gas halfway there. I knew this was a possibility but instead of going to the closest station I tried for the Esso Extra points. Eventually I fill it up and ride back home where I eat a congratulatory row of decadent chocolate chip cookies on the porch feeling quite satisfied/relieved with myself. Then I get my gear and ride down to visit a couple relatives in Thornhill returning 1/2 hour before sunset.

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