Advanced street riding course |

Advanced street riding course


Well-known member
Hey everyone,
Its been a while, I trust everybody is doing well.
I recall a while back there was a discussion about an advanced street riding course that came with CD or book. It was an advanced course and was highly recommended by everyone that did it.
I was wondering if anyone remember what it was called and if they will be here this summer.
I remember people saying that they were asked to reduce their tire pressure for some really heavy cornering drills.
I'm not talking about the riding school before you get your license, its an advanced course.
Anybody remember this?
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Possibly Total Control offered by Sharp? (Though some of their drills seem more track-oriented. Not sure how much leaning off is a street skill.)
RTI offers a Technical Riding course that seems to be more street oriented. Check out their website for course info.
Not sure how much leaning off is a street skill.

its *one* part of controlling a motorcycle. Take a note at ShaneKingley's Avatar. So many riders sit stationary on their motorcycles. When riding , weight and location of the upper body mass can play a large part of effective steering.
Possibly Total Control offered by Sharp? (Though some of their drills seem more track-oriented. Not sure how much leaning off is a street skill.)

I lean off for every type of turn except for u-turns. This started after Total Control. You'll learn why this is a good idea through both Racer5 and Total Control.

A good way to quantify this is that you can easily take 30km/h hwy ramps with an entry speed of 75km/h after Total Control; there's still plenty of room for error at that speed too.

If you own a bike with an aggressive riding position (all SS bikes), I'd recommend Racer5 over Total Control. Total Control drills are easier with standard or less aggressive positions.
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