A slightly complicated question about data tethering | GTAMotorcycle.com

A slightly complicated question about data tethering


Hey all. I have an iPhone 4S with the 'personal hotspot' feature. Out of curiosity I turned it on and it worked. But just been informed that the data plan I have do not allow any tethering. But I already logged 50MB of data via tethering. Would I get a charge from Rogers for this? If they don't allow it, why don't they lock it out? Any insights would help. Thanks in advance.
Dont know but you really should just jailbreak your phone and get all the tethering you want without Robbers getting their ugly noses in it.
I thought Rogers allowed tethering on all their data plans. I guess I was wrong.
I can't believe carriers still charge for this. Reminds me of the old days when ISPs charged you for each computer you wanted to connect to the web and tried to imply that routers were illegal in some way. Crooks.

1. Give them a ring and ask. If you do get charged politely explain the situation and ask if they can waive or reduce the charges this one time.

2. Jailbreak that sucker and get the app MiWi from Cydia. Enjoy free tethering as it was meant to be.
If they don't allow it, why don't they lock it out? Any insights would help. Thanks in advance.
1. I'm glad they don't lock it out. I HATE it when phone companies stick their noses into the phone's capabilities. I've 'hacked' almost every phone that I could.

2. Technically, they DO allow you to tether, they just charge you for it as it's not covered in your data plan (which is surprising because I thought Rogers allows it on ALL their data plans... I downloaded 700mb through my phone last month with no issue)
I think it's included only if you have the 6gb data plan
Rogers includes tethering on all plans 1GB or over, except odd ones like Family. I've heard even if you have a Family plan they will enable it and split out your share to a specific phone.

It's odd that yours would be enabled if you don't have a valid plan. I have a Family plan and tethering is not enabled. If I try to tether it simply gives me no internet connection. I've got around this through PDANet on Android and bluetooth linking with my iPad.
The iPhone's will default tethering to Bluetooth if the WiFi tethering is disable on the carriers end. That may explain your usage, if the other device is Bluetooth capable.
Rogers includes tethering on all plans 1GB or over, except odd ones like Family. I've heard even if you have a Family plan they will enable it and split out your share to a specific phone.
That's only a standard response so people don't call in trying to waive their data fees for tethering a 500mb plan. I told them I know how data works and I only need it for emergency situations and they let me do it.

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