Witnesses chase left turn hit and run | GTAMotorcycle.com

Witnesses chase left turn hit and run


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A motorcycle rider is in hospital with serious injuries and two suspects in a hit-and-run are on the lam following a crash in north Edmonton Monday night.
The motorcycle was travelling north on 97th Street last night around 10 p.m. when a pickup truck turned left in front of it at 161st Avenue, police said.
The motorcycle and truck collided, badly injuring the rider.
The truck raced off, but witnesses gave chase in their vehicles.
They eventually cornered the truck in a cul-de-sac a few blocks away, but the pickup jumped the curb and drove over lawns to make its escape.
The pursuit continued for a few more blocks when two men hopped out of the truck and ran off on foot.
A woman in the truck jumped behind the wheel and took off, but she too eventually ditched the truck.
The police helicopter and K9 units failed to locate the suspects, but officers going through the truck discovered the woman's wallet.
Police arrested her, but continue to search for the two men.
The motorcyclist's injuries are not believed to be life- threatening, police said.
Somebody buy the witness a lot of beers.
Female driver behind the wheel is going to be in a world of hurt; it's a matter of time before they arrest the other two men.
Good 'ol Edmonton. I lived there for eight years. Could have happened anywhere but still... the place is a hole.
GWS rider.

Sounds like they're all career scum bags who felt the urgent need to run probably becuase they are already wanted, or on probabtion/parole, or are already known to the police.

I hope they throw the book at them.
Truck was probably stolen. At least they got her wallet and then her...
That's quite a story.

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