Witnessed something really bad | GTAMotorcycle.com

Witnessed something really bad


Well-known member
For any of you that live, or ride, around the Taunton and Harmony area of N.E. Oshawa, you'll know of the Tim Hortons on the N.E. Corner. I stop there from time to time and have a coffee, before taking a ride but this evening I caught sight of something that made me sick. A driver came in and did the drive through to get his coffee (or such-like) and left by using the exit between Tim's and East Side Marios. There is a stop sign that an be viewed very clearly, I hasten to add...I noticed a mother on a bicycle and her daughter (I am assuming) on the kiddie seat, riding east on the north side of Taunton Road. While drinking my coffee, I turn away from this exit and suddenly hear a thump/crunch and then screaming. Turning around I see this (so called) driver stopped by the bicycle. Mother and daughter on ground and driver getting out of cage, walking away and making a call on his cell. Timm's staff and crowd immediately attend and within minutes the ambulance and fire crews are heard approaching. Attempting to approach, there was sufficient people to assist and someone providing care/first aid. I could see then little one was ok and walking (shock more then anything I guess) but mother was clutching her leg. I returned to this Timmies later and learned the little one was ok, thankfully but mum had leg injuries. I'm sure a fitting charge will be put on driver and hope he learns a very valuable lesson. Knowing this exit, I see drivers come out of here without stopping and always looking left to see if road is clear, without looking right to check of pedestrians/cyclists. As a father I was sickened and I only hope this cager will not drive like this EVER again. Just putting out a reminder for all of us to always make that extra check. Be safe everyone and aid in the safety of others.Forgive my little rant
just remember that when you write the report to the police, that you mention that you saw the whole thing and never looked away...yup, officer, he failed to come to a complete stop before the sign or line, saw the whole thing...works better in court...glad to hear the mum and daughter are ok...
Ethics dictate that I cannot state, as you suggested. I had my back to the accident and turned after hearing the thump and screaming, as mentioned. So my report would not have been worth much by not viewing the actual impact. I have called the police to advise of my viewing after the impactHad I viewed the whole thing, I would have been right there. At least there were witnesses.
Ethics dictate that I cannot state, as you suggested...

Good for you, Dad! Good example for your own children.

I almost had a similiar experience myself today. Child riding bicycle on sidewalk. Car exiting parking lot. Child not stopping/slowing down before crossing exit. Driver slamming on brakes. Could/would have ended a lot differently if the driver was one of those (like many of us) who doesn't stop behind the stop sign before proceeding forward.
It's really scary how unaware people are of their surroundings. It's not just cagers, pedestrians and cyclists could prevent a lot of bad things from happening if they just payed more attention.

Glad they made it out relatively ok, that mom is never going to ride the same again...Too bad she had to find out the hard way.
It's really scary how unaware people are of their surroundings. It's not just cagers, pedestrians and cyclists could prevent a lot of bad things from happening if they just payed more attention.

Glad they made it out relatively ok, that mom is never going to ride the same again...Too bad she had to find out the hard way.

Very well said and so true. I'd dared to add motorcyclists to the list too. We *all* need to pay more attention; be aware.
There is no question everyone has to pay attention. Sometimes people talking on cell phones walk out right in the middle of a live lane without notice or looking! Also cyclists are a bit nuts. I had one instance with a bike where the bike path is all covered in bushes + there was a bus stop near the corner... you can't see squat from a car until the bushes end a few meters from the intersection. It was getting dark (but there was still a bit of light) and as I am completing my left hand turn (I had been stopped waiting for cars to go by) this dude comes flying from the bushy area and comes kinda close to hitting me .... I finished the turn just in time. He was going WAY to fast to be able to stop or for anyone to have a hope in hell of seeing him.
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