Walking your Motorcycle | GTAMotorcycle.com

Walking your Motorcycle


Well-known member
Are there any videos around that show how to safely walk beside your bike? I will need to walk my bike in a figure 8 for the m1 exit with the ministry. It's not heavy when I'm on it, but from the ground, it's heavy :) At my MSF course last year, they taught us to slightly lean the bike into your right hip as you walk. That's great for going in a straight line... Thanks!!
You took an MSF course last year but didn't pass i take it?, is that why you are doing the test through the ministry now?

I just took the course and got my m2 through Centennial, the walking thing wasn't part of the m2 exam. ;)
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I took the course last year. It was my first time on a bike and I loved it. My problem was I couldn't stop looking where I didn't want to go, and of course I went there. So, needless to say I didn't pass the final exam. I bought my first bike this past May and have been practicing ever since. I'm trying to not have to spend the $ again, but if I can't walk my bike, I may have to. At least I'm able to remember, and put into practice all the things I learned on the course.
To be able to walk your bike you must walk your bike.

Specificity Principle: "The Specificity Principle simply states that training must go from highly general training to highly specific training. The principle of Specificity also implies that to become better at a particular exercise or skill, you must perform that exercise or skill. To be a good cyclist, you must cycle. The point to take away is that a runner should train by running and a swimmer should train by swimming. " ...and a motorcycle walker should train by walking his/her motorcycle. - good luck !
How was your pylon test on the course? If u ride a sports bike 600Cc and up i would recommend some practice before u take the test. it won't be as easy as on the 250 viragos they use during most of the courses. There is nothing easier than walking the bike unless u ride a Goldwing or some big Harley. Just a bit of lean on the hip like u were told on the course. Good luck ;)
I ride a Honda VLX600 cruiser. I'll do as everyone suggested and practice. Streetfighter: We didn't do a slow speed slalom on the course, so I'm practicing that as well. I appreciate everyone's feedback. Thanks.
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I also humbly suggest visiting a drive test center after hours, and look for the paint markers in the parking lot where they place the pylons, buy some cheap tennis balls, cut them in half and use them on the paint as pylons, and practice your slow speed slalom. (you can also practice walking your bike between them).
I took the course late in the season and failed the test once. For other reasons, I wasn't able to do the retake. The offer of a retake ended with that season, it doesn't carry over.
Tango: I actually looked for those marks on the parking lot, but couldn't find them from my car. The lady inside told me they did the test behind the theatre (Burlington), so I drove around looking for the marks. I'll go back and have another look. Thanks :)
Honestly, the walking part is easy in the ministry test. Practice with your bike because you'll probably have to walk it eventually, ie, breakdown, etc. Depending on the size of your bike, its the riding around in first gear around the pylons with a big bike that will get you failed.

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