Traction Control FTW |

Traction Control FTW


Well-known member
Today on my way to work, I twisted my throttle a little too much at a corner and my rear tire slipped out on me. I do have OEM tires with 15,000km on it so they are pretty squared off which didn't help at all.

Just at that moment when I felt the tire slipping under me, the traction control light came on and cut the power to my wheel to save the day. This is the first time traction control worked while cornering so I was extremely surprised when it did, but what a lifesaver.

I can't imagine buying a bike without one now.
Now you will see some people say those nanny things are horrible and you should learn to ride properly. I'll take all the safety features I can get. Stuff can happen unexpectedly. Glad it saved you day.
Even track bikes benefit from this. Remember the MotoGP incident in which minor contact between bikes ripped out Dani Pedrosa's rear wheel speed sensor, and he promptly crashed. Means they're relying on these systems.
Pay no attention to anyone who tells you that ABS, cornering ABS, traction control etc...... are not necessary. These systems may kick in once a season, or never, but they're there if you need and can be the difference between just a brief adrenaline rush or a nasty spill.
Couple weeks ago on a sharp on ramp to 401 east @ ritson in Oshawa I made my left off Bloor onto the ramp like I have hundreds of times. As I brought the bike over to make the right of the ramp and accelerate. I noticed that floor dry crap all over the road from a previous accident.
My little yellow light came on and I rode right through it without incident.
I have no doubt it saved my ass.
I can think of no better use for "nannies" like this than inherently unstable two-wheeled vehicles on contact patches not a whole lot bigger than bottle caps, especially when the machine has some torque...
I have a tight schedule so I kept pushing the dates. Any recommendations where I can get the tires done? I don't want to go to GPbikes. They don't seem they want more business so I rather take my business elsewhere.
I have a tight schedule so I kept pushing the dates. Any recommendations where I can get the tires done? I don't want to go to GPbikes. They don't seem they want more business so I rather take my business elsewhere.
Snow City has taken good care of me (scarberia).

Take off the wheels off yourself to save a lot of $ and likely get pulled ahead on the schedule.
One thing with the nanny aids is to remember that if you're using them, then you've ****** up, and need to reevaluate your riding.

Otherwise, it becomes habit to rely on them to get you out of trouble, which isn't a good thing.
Yes, I agree. I get too comfortable with my route and I stop caring about my riding. I do feel that I need to pay attention and careful with how I ride.

I might attend some riding schools when I have time.
Yes, I agree. I get too comfortable with my route and I stop caring about my riding. I do feel that I need to pay attention and careful with how I ride.

I might attend some riding schools when I have time.
Need to be on it 100% man. Ride safe!

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