test ride DRZ 400 SM | GTAMotorcycle.com

test ride DRZ 400 SM


Well-known member
so im thinking of selling my Kawi Z-750 and getting a DRZ 400 SM, i have read and heard a lot about these bikes and they seem like A LOT of fun, however i have never ridden one, and cannot allow myself to sell the kawi without testing out the DRZ. so does anyone know of a dealership that would let me take a DRZ for a spin?
or is there anyone who owns one and would let me take their bike for a quick spin? ( you could take the Z750 for a spin if you like)
I traded mine in so I can't help you there but will say that they are fun to ride. I had mine for 2 1/2 seasons and put 18,000 klms on it. No problems at all but I did find it underpowered on the highways.Great bike around town.
Does Suzuki still have demo days? I rode one a couple of years ago at the demo session
i'm pretty sure they had one at the Barrie demo last year, but I wasn't looking for it specifically.
Warning, the seats really, really uncomfortable. After a few hours it can be painfull, everyone has a different experience though.
Just buy it, you won't regret it. My DR-Z is now my daily rider.

Thats what I keep hearing from most people, but I just need to ride one before I let go of the Z-750`.
Thats what I keep hearing from most people, but I just need to ride one before I let go of the Z-750`.
Buy the DRZ, and don't let go of the Z-750 till you are satisfied.

That's what I did. Come think of it, I've done that with my last 4 bikes and now have a garage full.

If I knew ya, I'd have no issues letting you beat on my DRZ, but as strangers, it's not as easy.
Thats what I keep hearing from most people, but I just need to ride one before I let go of the Z-750`.

Going for a quick spin will just make you want to buy one even more.

The only reason not to get a sumo is if you're a highway tourer or have a need for top end speed.
It's been described as riding a 2x4 plank of wood. YMMV. I know that the Kawi 750 I rode was a freakin lazy boy, if yours is anywhere near as comfy you might want to hold onto it until you're sure about the DRZ.
I ride a z750s.

I demo'd a DZR400SM at a Suzuki demo day last year. I have ridden lots of different bikes, so I figured I would try out the SM.

First impression after sitting on it and a short ride. Feels like my old dirt bikes.
Seat is terrible, but the handling is awesome for the city or short rides. Fun? hell yes...... But....
I sure as hell wouldn't be taking it on a 900km ride like some of the day trips we take.
Give it a try at a Suzuki demo day, or test ride one at a dealership.
If you have the $$. Keep the zed in storage for a year. Decide then if you want to sell one.
Good luck

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