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Riding Mexico

Read what i clearly said i don't support the OP was that not clear enough to you?

If you don't disagree that the comment was ignorant and dickish I don't see why you saw fit to bring up my name. Unless you just felt like talking trash out of nowhere.

Same goes for Dr. Manhattan.
So i don't call him names that means i support him??? tell me how you got that from what i wrote even though i say i was not supporting him.

You must think calling people names makes it right? Ever heard 2 wrongs don't make a right?

Paul took care of it i think he handled it well and doesn't need your help.

just my 2 cents unless i'm not allowed to my thoughts? Oh ya i'm Jewish too so i know racist as bad as you trust me. i don't like seeing that word racist just thrown around without all the facts being known. this is why i didn't support the OP.
Everything I said in this thread stands.

If you don't disagree with what I said, then it sounds to me you just wanted to take the excuse to talk some trash.
I've been to Mexico several times and rented cars in order to venture out on my own. I've also rented scooters but never a motorcycle. The border towns are the areas that are most dangerous because of the drug trade. I wouldn't be hanging around Tijuana, Nogales,Juarez, or Nuevo Laredo. The Mayan Riviera is safe as long as you take the usual precautions that a foreign traveler should.

These guys operating out of a small town near Guadalajara were at the December show.

Heading south has anyone rented a bike in the Mayan rivira ? Where's the best spot? How much should I expect to pay ? Etc. Any input would be helpful

There is a HD/cruiser rental place , on the main Cancun-Playa-Tulum hwy , close to the intersection with the main road taking to Playa del Carmen's dtown - big signage, you can't miss it. Personally, I didn't check it out but saw riders down there.

Any cab driver in Playa could take you there for 5-10 bucs in Playa. if your resort is 30min away, a cab drive cost you less than 20$.

I've been several times down on the mayan riviera, always go out (with fam), rented car, walk, take cabs (those guys are awsome, your $ goes long way), even took their comuter bus (which is suprisingly good -and dirt cheap for us).

NEVER had issues anyone bothering me or feeling threathened, tho heavy police and military presence. Don't forgert, it's their turism jewel, they dont want to spoil this cash-cow. And I am white, dont speak spanish.

I believe most opinions come from people who never went down there or never left their charter bus.

Come-on dudes! Reality check, go on Tripadvisor and see how many turists actually got in trouble from those thousands of posts - and you'll find a surprisingly low statistic.
Went to Mexico last november with my ex. Despite the warnings of driving in Mexico (corrupt cops) from a local tour guide, we rented a car and drove from Cancun to Playa del Carmen on 2 separate nights. It's a long, dark highway with super aggressive drivers when you get into the cities and lights. I drove like a crazy SOB at times in a rented VW polo, as I found it was safer to drive aggressively (with the flow), than to irritate the aggressive locals by driving legitimately.

On the drive back on the second night, along the highway the cops had a mandatory stop station setup. Thankfully we didn't have to speak to a cop, just slow down and drive off again while they looked at you from afar. Definitely an uneasy feeling. Had a great time, but renting a car and doing what I did was taking a big enough risk. I would never even think about doing it on a bike - just not worth it.
I dont see anything dangerous about riding in Mexico.......this is how we do it harley familia.jpg
At Constitution and the 309 there is the Finnish guy who rents harleys.
I have rented from him and the bikes were in okay shape. Near the airport in Playa you can get a KTM or BMW.
Went to Mexico last november with my ex. Despite the warnings of driving in Mexico (corrupt cops) from a local tour guide, we rented a car and drove from Cancun to Playa del Carmen on 2 separate nights. It's a long, dark highway with super aggressive drivers when you get into the cities and lights. I drove like a crazy SOB at times in a rented VW polo, as I found it was safer to drive aggressively (with the flow), than to irritate the aggressive locals by driving legitimately.

On the drive back on the second night, along the highway the cops had a mandatory stop station setup. Thankfully we didn't have to speak to a cop, just slow down and drive off again while they looked at you from afar. Definitely an uneasy feeling. Had a great time, but renting a car and doing what I did was taking a big enough risk. I would never even think about doing it on a bike - just not worth it.
Pretty obvious the reasons why "a tour guide" didn't want you to go out on your own and prefer you give him his money to take you around, no?

So what you are saying is, you felt at risk because you had to drive with the flow of other cars? and there was a police stop that did not offer you any problem but to show that there is police presence, disproving what the tour guide told you?

Ok, I see
I got jumped in Madrid, very safe city according to people. **** can happen anywhere.

Sorry to hear, I also got jumped in marguarita island, I was walking to the hotel at night with a girl from Montreal I meet at a bar and they put the gun on her head.

both times I didn't feel safe, both times was way to late to be walking around. When you are out on vacations no matter where you have to use common sense

Crocodile Dundee - That's a knife scene-8x6.jpg

Sounds like you need a knife.
Re: Riding Mexico OT

Never been to Mexico and now I'm ascared. Thanks for nothing, lol. Must be my sense of self preservation in advancing years.
In my twenties I took a taxi from the airport in a country where the week before, fighter jets were strafing their own people's cars on that highway in frustration because they couldn't lick the Israelis in the air. Didn't phase me much at the time.
I can post as many links of people killed in Toronto, Mexico is a pretty big country

I agree, however, how many links are there of TO cops being found brutally murdered and beheaded in the streets of popular tourist destinations? These gang members are ruthless regardless if you're in law enforcement or just an innocent tourist. I mean we have crime here in Canada but these guys take it to a whole new level!

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