R6 idiot | GTAMotorcycle.com

R6 idiot

I don't think that it'll be the OPP that this rider needs to worry about. It's the chunk of retread that he'll eventually meet on the shoulder, or the corner of a bumper that will take him out.

PS. Weak 'wheelie' bro!!
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Oh so thats why they pave the shoulder.. This guy is my hero..

Love the wheelie at around 4:50.. cause that was necessary in traffic..

what a TOOL
One careless lane change by any one of those cars and this guy would've been in Idiot Heaven!
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hmm he takes the same route I take to work, might give that a try.....OPP will probably find me...dead on the side of the rode.
I like that he checks his camera angle. Made sure he got all the stupid in the shot. Why do people post these videos? Is it really that easy to hide your identity on the internet? One day someone like this idiot on the street is going to go flying to his death and his GoPro will have it all on camera for his family's horror.
I hope he gets caught. I'll be the first to report any I see that are doing this in traffic. The best part is you won't even see me doing it as hands aren't required thanks to modern technologies.
Holds the bike upright in traffic pretty well, but looks like doing it in the driveway are difficult for him if the end of the clutch lever is any indication! Wonder what other damage the bike has.
The moron thinks that his little disclaimer "I don't own this video" makes him immune to the law.
Where's all the police when you need them? If he was doing 10 over in a school zone he'd have been strung up by his balls by now.
Didn't watch the whole thing, but this thread is hysterical. Talk about moral panic. So what, the guy buys it, some kid gets his organs, we move on. The wheelie sounds lame, but otherwise, whatever.

Speed doesn't cause collisions, stupidity does.

Didn't see anything "grossly" wrong with the riding in that video. The filtering is definitely illegal, but in the manner he was doing it, he kept things safe. Rider had great throttle control and kept a good amount of noise to let other traffic know he was there while at a standstill.

I'd say he was going a little too fast at times, but nothing "stupid." At some points in the video, it's very clear that he's given himself room to adjust for lane changes (you can see him do it twice, in the instance he passes on the left within the left lane, he shows that he could have just as easily done it in the right lane). Remember that if he's in the left lane and someone from the second lane chooses to change lanes, he's always able to move into either the left shoulder or the space left by the person changing lanes.
if you boys are concerned, file an online complaint to T.I.P.S -

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