petition against left hand turn drivers |

petition against left hand turn drivers

saw this and I just signed it. Lost too many friends on motorcycles to drivers making reckless left hand turns.

Although I'm not opposed to signing this petition. I was also thinking another petition should start for a publicly funded ad campaign targeted at better driving. Giving useful tips as, if you get a flat ride that thing on the rim till you gtfotw.

If someone barges into your turning lane right in front of you, they may not have known it was their turn. Let vehicles merge with traffic. At least one car. Highways aren't lineups they're shared roadway. That type of thing. Driving is a very social thing in that everything you do affects everyone else but at the same time most people don't get much feedback on whether their driving well or not. People can go a lifetime thinking that they shouldn't drive to the end of a merge lane because it's wrong.

I don't think harsher punishments will do much without a public awareness campaign.
Like joeboo I agree with the sentiments but the petition is simplistic. Besides, every time I sign on online I end up on a spam list.

I think Opengambit's idea has more potential.

Re: No Ticket Quotas? Ha!
what would be nice is if the quota can only be 50 % speeding. I would agree with that quota.
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Driver awareness is the key to it. But you need to educate drivers to look for bikes and that takes big tv campaigns. Who is going to fund that?
We need to ride defensive. Although how do you defend from someone cutting in front of you? Slow down? But then you are giving them more of the window to to try and get in front of you.

Here is one of the add campaigns from the UK.

Quite an interesting take on getting drivers to see you :)

This is another good video showing how we all need to think and ride defensively.

Sorry if anyone feels they are off topic but they are relative to being seen and being defensive.
How about a petition against right hand turn drivers not stopping at their red light before turning right?

The most dangerous of this sort of act, the green light jumper, is already explicitly covered under HTA 172. The rest could be handled though other provisions, of the Highway Traffic Act, if our law enforcement agencies, and the politicians who direct them, could pull their collective heads out of their nethers and drop this 'speed kills' fixation, that they seem to have.

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