Need a mechanic recommendation! |

Need a mechanic recommendation!


Active member

I find myself in need of someone to look at my bike, well actually to listen to it first then perhaps look at it. It is making a sound that is out of the scope of my limited abilities to assess. Finding someone who knows what they are doing, is good at what they do and most importantly is honest has proven to be a challenge. I'm in Brampton and would prefer to find someone in the Brampton/Mississauga area. Someone I can trust is paramount.

Having found the GTAM community very insightful and helpful I figured no harm in putting this out there. Thanks in advance for any information or suggestions. Cheers!

If you are looking for a backyard mechanic, Frekeyguy does some work (and is in Brampton). He may be able to give you an idea of your problems for less than a licensed mechanic.

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