Lilacs & Maple Syrup May, 21, 2024 |

Lilacs & Maple Syrup May, 21, 2024


Well-known member
I ran out of my supply of maple syrup so it was time to take a run back to the "County"
Started about noon with sunny skies and a cool wind off Lake Ontario.
It started to warm up on the return trip but high clouds moved in so it was a beautiful ride.
The Lilacs where in bloom and the smell was sometimes overpowering.
Rode the ferry across to Prince Edward County and then up to Lake On The Mountain
I didn't take any pictures this time so I pulled some from my album of the same ride I did on my 1964 Yamaha YA6 125cc.

Lake On The Mountain looking down on the ferry
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some nice "County" roads.
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It disappointing to see how a lot of the farms have disappeared in the "County".
One has to wonder where our food will come from with an exploding world population.
There used to be 13 cheese factories and 3 dairies in the County.
Now there are NONE! I rode all day without seeing a black and white cow!
The "County" was once a major exporter of barley.
I stopped at Vader's near the Sand Banks to get another jug of maple syrup.
I prefer the dark product that has a very strong maple taste and less sweet.
On the return trip I rode thru Elmbrooke, Demorestville, Northport and Somesville my old stomping grounds.

226 Km

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I love riding the areas you mapped. The stretch from the ferry to bath is very pretty, as is the county. Deseronto is an interesting, if a little depressing town. It has a rich history that included a lumber mill and railway.

Like you I find the change to the county a bit sad. dairy farms, cheese makers, vegetable farms, canneries, and a railway have given way to vanity project vineyards and wineries, retirement mansions and wellness/yoga studios. I always found the former made for interesting scenery and rides but the latter not so much.
The county is a playground for the rich now. We still go but less often. The wine there is pretty terrible anyway so we stick to the breweries which are mostly pretty ok. Someone at one winery was trying to sell $30+ bottles of Pinot Noir which tasted like piss. Their hands were shaking as they handed out (also expensive) tasters and I’d like to think it’s because they were coming to the realization of how much cash they had sunk into a disastrous vanity project.

There’s some bright points still. The Mexican restaurant in Wellington is still one of the best in the area but on hot days the whole area is rammed from people heading to Sandbanks.
The county is a playground for the rich now. We still go but less often. The wine there is pretty terrible anyway so we stick to the breweries which are mostly pretty ok. Someone at one winery was trying to sell $30+ bottles of Pinot Noir which tasted like piss. Their hands were shaking as they handed out (also expensive) tasters and I’d like to think it’s because they were coming to the realization of how much cash they had sunk into a disastrous vanity project.

There’s some bright points still. The Mexican restaurant in Wellington is still one of the best in the area but on hot days the whole area is rammed from people heading to Sandbanks.
There are a number of good restaurant and Midtown Brewing has excellent beer.

I stay away from the county on weekends as the cyclists seem to take over in packs. I see them here outside Port Hope first with many being charity or riding for a cause etc. They're the worst, particularly the cop/first responder one as they have OPP chase vehicles and they seem to take advantage of it by using the entire lane not allowing people to pass creating a slow moving convoy of impatient drivers.

But that's summer. Still plenty of other roads to ride.
The county is a playground for the rich now. We still go but less often. The wine there is pretty terrible anyway so we stick to the breweries which are mostly pretty ok. Someone at one winery was trying to sell $30+ bottles of Pinot Noir which tasted like piss. Their hands were shaking as they handed out (also expensive) tasters and I’d like to think it’s because they were coming to the realization of how much cash they had sunk into a disastrous vanity project.

There’s some bright points still. The Mexican restaurant in Wellington is still one of the best in the area but on hot days the whole area is rammed from people heading to Sandbanks.
Have you heard how to make a small fortune making wine?

Start with a large fortune!
There are a number of good restaurant and Midtown Brewing has excellent beer.

I stay away from the county on weekends as the cyclists seem to take over in packs. I see them here outside Port Hope first with many being charity or riding for a cause etc. They're the worst, particularly the cop/first responder one as they have OPP chase vehicles and they seem to take advantage of it by using the entire lane not allowing people to pass creating a slow moving convoy of impatient drivers.

But that's summer. Still plenty of other roads to ride.
I spend most of my riding time north of Kingston in the Rideau Lakes region.
Lots of fun roads but it is cottage country.
That is why I have my work schedule with Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday off.
And I never go anywhere on a long weekend!
I spend most of my riding time north of Kingston in the Rideau Lakes region.
Lots of fun roads but it is cottage country.
That is why I have my work schedule with Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday off.
And I never go anywhere on a long weekend!

I was out today on my regular head-clearer to Almonte and Equator Coffee Roasters to pick up some coffee and have a tasty snack. There’s a million ways back to Kingston from there depending on if you want to stay on asphalt or not. I came back via Perth and Perth Rd today but last week it was via Lanark/Maberly. Lovely riding but just have a lot of bug splatter to clear up.
I spend most of my riding time north of Kingston in the Rideau Lakes region.
Lots of fun roads but it is cottage country.
That is why I have my work schedule with Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday off.
And I never go anywhere on a long weekend!

Have you been to Wheeler’s Pancake House? In the middle of nowhere but a great place for various rides. They make their own maple pork sausages and have a great breakfast/brunch.

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