Herald Rd. - torn up | GTAMotorcycle.com

Herald Rd. - torn up


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Rode it last night for the first time in awhile and it has been almost completely torn up it's entire length. And they must have mixed raccoon food in with the gravel 'cause there was dozens of them on the road along with a crazy grey cat that runs out into the left tire track at lightning speed and then does an MC Hammer imitation directly in front of you.
(I managed to stand up on the pegs and still win the dance-off......the cat survived.)
I think I took this between Woodbine and Warden yesterday as well, but it was paved (although, not very well). Which section were you on that was torn up?
They applied new Hardtop to most of it. It will have loose gravel for a while but eventually will settle into a reasonably decent surface.

That is good to hear! Yeah, it is a small little section of road but it was a nice small section and was good to tie the other small sections together. I figured it must have been recent as the piles of chewed up road/gravel were still on either side of the road, even in front of the driveways. I was concerned as I did not recall seeing any resurfacing equipment. There is another road, albeit straight as an arrow, that is closer to the York/Durham line that was torn up last year and never did get a new hard top. I was afraid that it was a new cost cutting measure ala the USA.

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