Happy Valentine's Day, Toewsucker!! | GTAMotorcycle.com

Happy Valentine's Day, Toewsucker!!


Well-known member
Written to all the local papers and also the Toronto Star -

Editor: In regards to the group of Internet enforcement bills that are upcoming for consideration in Parliament...

I am entirely offended and opposed to the use of such draconian, expensive; outrageous measures in the search for more government powers, less government transparency and loss of privacy.

Frankly, these laws are entirely unlikely to be successful in catching organized criminals. Those individuals have access to, and motivation to use, forms of encryption and obfuscation that make their communications completely opaque to the enforcement agencies. There is little reason to think these criminals are not already using such encryption tools today, and a need for further sophistication will drive a whole new industry full of tools to work around the enforcement agents. Even the next version of the web's data protocol, HTTP, will be encrypted end to end for each packet. It will all be an expensive flop, on top of its moral offensiveness.

This money is wastefully spent, it's obscenely over-empowering and I nor anyone I know trust the government or our "law enforcers" to play a clean game with our information.

I ask you to speak out in dissent to these laws and hope that you will help the public co-ordinate to make their disapproval heard. Toews and his Tory goons are out of touch and utterly despicable for the hatred and fear they have for their fellow men and women, and their willingness to try and force that view on the public.
Nice! That's the spirit!! I suspect it will get challenged under the Charter and be abolished after the fact anyway. Just shows the government's agenda.. This is serious..I hope it gets crushed.

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