Handle Bars | GTAMotorcycle.com

Handle Bars


Well-known member
Hey fellow GTAer's,

Anyone know a shop in the GTA that has a good selection of handle bars ?

Im looking for a super bike type bend

Thanks for any tips.

Bumping this.. I'm also looking for some new handlebars that pull back a little more than the stock ones on my 09 Bonneville. Thanks.
Guys, every bike shop in Canada has a Motovan catalogue (and Parts Canada, Kimpex, and Thibault catalogues).
Motovan has ~10 pages of handlebars.
Big, little, high, flat - you name it, it's in there.
Simply go in to any shop and ask to see their Motovan catalogue.
You can even look through it yourself on the web!
Catalogues are nice but I was hoping to be able to hold the bar up to the bike and see how it fits/feels.. It's always harder to tell what you're getting based on a picture (ex: online dating. lmao)

Thanks for the link though, will check it out regardless.

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