Gravel Roads close by North-West end GTA |

Gravel Roads close by North-West end GTA


Well-known member
Hey folks
Looking to test out my DL1000 on some gravel roads to the north of Brampton. Any one know any good ones between Brampton and maybe south of Hwy89. Looking for about 10kms to test out my new Scotts steering dampener.

If you really want a good test, come up to Hockley Valley Rd. and take 3rd Line North, or 4th line north or south, or 5 line south (dual track).
Almost every north/south (and most east/west) roads are gravel - north of 9, west of Airport, east of 10.

That is why I just picked up a dualsport. I love riding around here and got tired of taking my FZ1 off road. :)
I think McLaren road to the south of Forks of The Credit was gravel, turning into Grange Sideroad. Was interesting ride.
Many sideroads and concession lines around Nobleton are gravel, but most of them normal straight gravel roads.
You can connect the above two areas riding on Escarpment Sdrd from HW 10 to Airport Rd and then Finnerty Sdrd from Airport Rd to HW 50.
You'll also find more gravel just south of HW 9 east of Airport Rd. but if you want to put some dust on your bike you better go north of 9.
Thanks guys, that gives me a few options to try out fairly near where I live.


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