Getting over a | Page 4 |

Getting over a

I dont get it, if you tap the front brake, wouldnt it cause you low side right away because the rear tire lose grip at lean angle?

maybe you chopped the throttle while trying not to low side ?

If you lock the front in a turn it will put you into a low side, it doesn't sound like he was on the brakes enough for that to happen. If he was dragging the peg, the rear suspension was most likely unloaded, and when he hit the front brakes it would stand the bike up, weight comes off the peg, rear regains traction and bike straightens out, launching him like rocket man
Its been one week since I crashed at shannonville and I can't wait to get back to the track. My left A/C joint ( shoulder area) was dislocated and I'm hoping I'll be able to ride on June 11; depends on pain and range of motion of my shoulder. I have no idea how I'll react once I'm actually at the track but I know I have to get back to the track as soon as possible. If I'm back to my normal pace or not doesn't matter as long as I get back to the track. The only way to get over a crash is to get back on the bike and don't have any expectation, just get back on the bike and take it easy and try to be as smooth as possible and hopefully you've learned from your mistake. The most important thing is to give your self time to get back to your normal pace. I know when I get back to corner 10 of the long track I'll be going super slow and I'll be going over the crash in my mind and thinking what I should have done different. The crash was on my 3rd track day and as a newbie all I can say is if you're having trouble with a corner, take it slow and go back to the basic, remember you go where you look and give it a little throttle in the turn and ride at your pace, not what you think your pace should be. Good luck and keep riding:)

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Good luck.

There was a girl in our Racer5 stage 1-3 program last year who crashed during the first day. During each subsequent day, she kept getting slower and slower while crashing more frequently. I'm starting to see why. If anyone tries to push themselves in a mental state where survival instincts are being fired off constantly, it's impossible to concentrate.
Bumping for an update for those who care and want to know how to fix this:

My anxiety and hallucinations/premonitions are gone. Because my mind was anticipating a crash every right turn (this probably has to do with neurons, synapses and learning), I had to rewire by brain by showing myself that turning right won't make me crash. However, here are the problems I had to fix that emerged post crash:

  • Throttle control was very choppy. Any decreasing radius would result in me dropping the throttle. Any time my lean angle increased by more than 20 degrees (estimating) I'd freak out and drop the throttle.
  • Right arm was death gripping the handle bars during right turns causing the front to not steer and a sensation of the rear kicking out
  • Wasn't breathing (shout out to David, some guy who tracks/races I met at KC for pointing this out)
  • Entire body was tense despite leaning over

Obviously, doing any/all of the above will cause instabilities when turning. First few sessions I spent actively forcing myself not to drop the throttle but keeping the speed controlled and low. At this point I was still getting anxiety. Last week I realized my arm was too tense so I started doing chicken flaps mid corner with my right elbow (it works lol). This week I combined both, along with loosening my upper body and the "I'm going to crash" sensations are gone!

I still need to work on the breathing and getting the speed up...but the speed will come on the track. Thanks again for the support in this thread homo.
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