Does motorbike insurance count as road insurance? |

Does motorbike insurance count as road insurance?


Well-known member
So for various reasons, I've never had my full G, in fact I let the learners lapse and have nothing at all at the moment. Not that I can't drive a car (though I only have the chance once every couple years), I just don't have the license.

However, I do have a full unrestricted M and have had it for 8+ years now (or 12+... my license history is really bizarre - I had a grandfathered ML that I had to turn into an M 8 years ago).

Now, there's plenty of good reasons to have your G, so you don't need to tell me twice. I don't plan on buying a car unless I have to move out of the city, but if nothing else, but there are a handful of jobs that come up from time to time that require a proper license.

So let's say I did have to get a car and insure it myself. The big question is: Will an insurance company count my 8+ years of motorbiking experience as licensed driving experience? Or will they treat it as if I haven't been an insured driver? I don't think it'll matter for this particular question, but I'm 35 and have a totally clean record.
Yes, it would be road insurance, also since you have your M. You can drive under G1 restrictions which isn't too efficient. (Can't drive hour after sun up/before sun down and need to be with a G license passenger of 4 years.

I'm aware of the ability to drive under G1 restrictions with an M (My wife has a full M but hates to drive, so on the very rare occasions we have a car, I'm actually the one driving). However, it doesn't count as a G1 for the purposes of getting one's G2.

Every year I tell myself I'll do it and I never do get around to it. Really, I just hate dealing with the MTO, lol.

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