Confused about UVIP - as a seller, do i NEED to provide it? |

Confused about UVIP - as a seller, do i NEED to provide it?


Well-known member
The Ontario government website is not making this very clear. I went to grab one at the Service Ontario kiosk and the guy said the wait was over an hour, so I said I couldn't stay as I had a meeting, but then the guy told me that I don't need to provide the UVIP, that the buyer can do it too. People with experience, do I need to provide it?

EDIT: thank you, everybody. I will provide it. it makes sense.
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The seller "should" provide it...most don't. You as the buyer will need the UVIP to register the bike at the MTO.

It's often a negotiable thing. Either seller or buyer, armed with the knowledge of the vehicle's VIN (I believe that's all that's needed) can obtain the UVIP. I don't believe you need a UVIP to sell the motor vehicle, but you do too complete the purchase/registration. Soo.o I'd suggest the buyer is often the one that will foot the $20 (gasp! ;-P).
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As an aside, generally if I don't know the person selling a bike, there's no way in hell I consider looking at the bike without a UVIP. Proves they actually own it.
Yes, absolutely. Order it online

It’s an offence under the Highway Traffic Act to sell the following used vehicles without a used information package:

  • car
  • van
  • light truck (gross weight of 3,000 kilograms or less)
  • self-propelled motor home
  • motorcycle

That is from Exemptions do exist, such as between family members. See website for conditions.
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Seller must provide it, but many times buyer gets it ahead of time. I've never bought a bike with out one provided. On the other hand I've never bought one when selling cause the buyer went ahead and did it first.
UVIP needs to be present to register the vehicle. Usually the seller provides it.

The seller needs to sign the UVIP as it is technically the bill of sale.
Yes, the seller is supposed to provide it.

Buyer really should insist on it. It shows important information like confirming the person in possession of the bike trying to sell it actually owns it, as well as confirms there are no liens on the vehicle.
....The seller needs to sign the UVIP as it is technically the bill of sale.

Not necessarily. The last page is a bill of sale, but you can write one up separately....just easier to do on the UVIP. Someone has to pay for it, doesn't matter who, but if seller wants to sell and is asked for, it's in their interest to provide it or take it out of the price if they work it out that way.

I'd also wit till you have a buyer, that way the info is "fresh". I usually ask for one that is within a week or so. Same goes for the safety if being provided. It'a only good for 36 days.
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I bought my bike this year, the seller was in London and I am in Ajax...I asked him to send me the VIN and used that to order a vehicle history at my expense, then I drove out and bought it. It was a Honda Silverwing scooter so there wasnt' much to scrutinize. When I registered the bike the ministry charged me $20 for the UVIP - the lady told me they don't care whether the seller or buyer provides the UVIP, it's just required to register the vehicle. I think the ministry is more interested in any liens on the bike that would make transfer of ownership illegal...they don't care about the number of previous owners.

That's the ministry policy, but as stated above it is customary for the owner to provide it. If the owner refusedsto provide it then it's just another thing to consider in making the decision to buy the vehicle - buyers need to be careful so as a seller if you have nothing to hide you should provide the UVIP and have everything in order so people don't become suspicious.

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