CBR500RA - Riding the Twisties | GTAMotorcycle.com

CBR500RA - Riding the Twisties

The quality is grainy. Is that because you compressed it a lot? What did you use to record?
Nice video, Nice roads, Nice edit. Would be better without the music though (IMO)

Nice video! +1 No music = better

I see how it is lol :) Thanks for the comments though. If any of you guys come up to Ottawa I will take you to some of the twisties up in Quebec.

The quality is grainy. Is that because you compressed it a lot? What did you use to record?

Most of that is because the camera fogs up inside the waterproof case (GoPro's do it, Sony Action cam, etc etc). In the future I will be putting the anti fog packets in to completely eliminate this. If you see, some clips are perfectly clear, while others (after recording for hours), have foggy / grainy parts to it. I use the Sony Action Cam. Oh, and some of it is because of the filters I applied to the video lol.
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Cool video...didn't have the sound on so I can't comment on that. Grainy...yeah, whatever...effects...pretty slick, although the compression doesn't make it show thru on youbetoo.

I do have one unsolicited comment...

You're hitting your apex too early for street riding IMO...not leaving much room for adjustments/avoidance/extra-fun-space. Looks like speeds aren't that fast that it's an issue..but it's good habits to use your full lane and get a good line going. Proficient Motorcycling gives a pretty good visual of it. I've only been riding for a couple years and I'm finding that I still need to be focused to keep a good line for street...especially now that I've got some miles on the odo. Bad habits die hard as they say...

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