Best Way to Track-Exclusive Sport Bike Riding in Ontario |

Best Way to Track-Exclusive Sport Bike Riding in Ontario

Hi all, I would truly appreaciate your help on non-street sport bike use near Toronto with detailed questions below:

I would like to buy a sport bike (not dirt bike) to ride exclusively on tracks or private roads as I would like to fully avoid driving on public roads. After a long-period of consideration, I decided that my preferred way to return to motorcycling would be to have the thrill without exposing myself to car drivers or without breaking speed limits etc.
-Do I have to have my sport bike insured for track-only use (if I intend to have it towed to the track and back) near Toronto?
-What are my options in regards to simply enjoying a motorcycle in controlled environment without thinking of car drivers and speed tickets. I love the thrill of riding but not ready to ride on the streets.
-Are there tracks that are less busy with riders?

It is my dream to ride again but the risk of the public roads leaves me to seek more controlled environment.

Hope for any input and thank you very much in advance!
non-street = track bike. You do not have to insure a track bike (even if you have insurance it will not cover track/racing generally). So first rule, don't buy anything that will bring you to tears if it comes home in a box. Some riders with street bikes ride to the track, but it is generally a bad idea, unless you have a ride arranged if you cannot ride home. Truck or car and trailer are a good idea

No comment on private roads, but there are 5 tracks most go to. TMP (cayuga), GBM (grand bend), mosport (bowmanville), SMP (shannonville), and calabogie (around ottawa-ish). There are some in the states as well.

TMP/GBM are (sometimes) less busy on weekdays. Mosport is highspeed with blind corners and favored by big bore bikes. bogie is really nice I hear, but its quite a drive. SMP is a few bucks more than TMP/GBM, but quite rough (although has a great layout).

I by far favour the track/controlled environment, read the tech specs, they are usually fairly similar among track day organizers. There is always SOAR if you want to step it up a bit.
You don't need to insure your track bike for the road but its a good idea to get fire and theft(if the bike is expensive).
You don't need to insure your track bike for the road but its a good idea to get fire and theft(if the bike is expensive).

you can't.
I don't think you can either.

Best I've done is a policy on the trailer and contents excluding the trackbike.
Actual experience from someone who actually owns a race bike. You cannot insure a track bike through the normal insurance companies. Period. You cannot get fire and theft coverage. Period. End of story. They won't do it.

I have heard that there are other companies that insure motorsports that will provide this type of coverage (fire, theft, etc) as long as the vehicle is not moving, but I don't own a track bike that is expensive enough to be worth pursuing it, and for most people on most track bikes, that's likely the best choice: don't race a vehicle that you can't afford to abandon. It's far more likely that you will crash the bike on your own, than it is for the bike to be stolen, if you have reasonable security measures in place (bike in a secured location not in a condo underground, etc).
A friend of mine has "off track" fire and theft coverage on his trailer, contents and that includes his bike.
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you can, albeit illegally, i suppose? And assuming your bike has a clean title.
Thanks a lot to smergy and all who replied.
Does anyone know tracks or track events, except for FAST instructions, that will rent out a track bike?
Also, is it best to buy a non-track bike and turn it into track or it is very possible to find a decently running dedicated track bike? My assumption here is that dedicated bikes for sale may likely require major overhaul and therefore for sale for that reason.
You are usually much further ahead to buy a track bike that has already been (properly) converted, but which has not been crashed into oblivion.

There are track bikes, and then there are track bikes. To some people, a "track bike" is a beat-up but otherwise-stock (not counting useless modifications) street bike that has been crashed and written off by insurance so that it cannot be registered for the street and can serve no other purpose but to be a track bike. Generally - stay away. To others, a "track bike" is one that has been taken off the street and has had all the proper things done to it - aftermarket bodywork, engine covers, lever guards, aftermarket clip-on handlebars and/or rearset footpegs, suspension work, etc. It may have been crashed - these things happen - but the frame is straight and everything works as it should. Often this type of bike will come with a box of spare parts and a really good one will come with everything needed to put it back to a street bike and the title will be clear, thus legally allowing it to be done, should you wish to do so in the future. Generally - this is the one you want. It will cost more. But ... Add up the cost of buying your own street bike and then buying an Ohlins shock ($1200), fork internals plus set-up work ($500), bodywork ($700), paint ($500), steering damper ($500), pegs - levers - handlebars - etc ($600), and on and on ... and it's less money to buy a GOOD track bike than to buy a street bike and convert it yourself.

As for maintenance ... most track bikes get an oil change every few track days (probably every 500 - 1000 km), most street bikes don't.
I'd buy a used trackbike before paying to kit out a stock one. However I'd make sure I know who is selling it

Pro 6 has a few rentals

Moto nation was also at Calabogie last weekend with their rental fleet
Thank you Brian P and meme for your help.
I checked out Pro 6 and they do have R6 @$300/day and Moto Nation has choices of 250 @$150/day and 600/750/1000 @$300/day. These seem like great options. Pro 6 also offers private or semi-private classes which sounds awesome. Looks like one has good options in Ontario which is great.
Thanks again to all of you for helping me out!

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